Latest DoPT Orders 2020

No.21/02/2018.CS.I (PR/ CMS)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, PG ad Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
2nd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan
Khan Market, New Delhi- 110003
Dated 12th May, 2020.
Subject: Request for vigilance update in Web Based Cadre Management System in respect of CSS officers – instructions for Nodal Officers
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s O.M. of even number dated 24.12.2019 (copy enclosed) wherein it has been requested to update the vigilance status of CSS officers on real time basis in the vigilance module of Web Based Cadre Management System on Quarterly basis to avoid delay in the process of clearance, voluntary rotational transfer, promotion etc.
2. However, it is observed that status of large number of officers has not been in the CSC MS till date. it is requested officers in the to update the vigilance status of all CSS officers in the vigilance module of CSCMS particularly the senior most officers whose have been indicted in this Department ‘s O.M. of even number dated 24.12.2019 to facilitate this Department to take timely action for cadre management activities.
Encl: As above
(Sanjay Kumar Das Gupta)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Source: DoPT
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