7th CPC special increment for sports person | DOPT rules for sportspersons | Special Increment in the form of personal pay to Central Government Employee for participating in Sports events

No. 29018/13/2015-AlS-II
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
New Delhi, dated the 03rd August. 2021
The Chief Secretary,
All the State Governments / Union Territories.
Subject: Grant of special Increments in the form of Personal Pay to the officers of All India Service for achieving excellence in sporting events and tournaments of National or International importance – reg.
Madam / Sir,
I am directed to refer to the communications received from the State Governments regarding grant of special Increments in the form of Personal Pay to the officers of the All India Services for achieving excellence in sporting events and tournaments of National or International importance, in line with the similar benefits being provided to Central Government Servants.
2. lt has now been decided to grant special Increments in the form of Personal Pay to the officers of All India Service for achieving excellence in sporting events and tournaments of National or International importance subject to following terms & conditions:
- (i) The officers of All India Services participating in sporting events and tournaments (both individual and team events and tournaments, including para games of equivalent events and tournaments) of National and International importance will be treated as having achieved excellence for the purpose of grant of special Increments in the form of Personal Pay:
- In the case of athletic / equivalent sporting events and tournaments, which are generally decided on the basis of finishing position and which do not involve level-related concept e.g. finals, semi-finals and are held all at one go, there would be no ‘finals’. The three individuals / teams that secure first three positions shall be said to have achieved excellence, if more than three individuals / teams have participated in the sporting events and tournaments of National / International importance, for the purpose of grant of special Increments in the form of Personal Pay. This benefit, however, is allowable to the individual / team, who achieves the first position only, if the number of individuals / teams that participate in the sporting events and tournaments, is three or two.
- In the case of non-athletic / equivalent sporting events and tournaments which involve level-related concept and the Game’s format provide for awarding 1 Gold + 1 silver + 1 Bronze Medals. The individuals / members of the teams who have achieved first and second positions (i.e. Gold and Silver Medals) respectively, in the finals and the individual / members of the team who has / have achieved third position and has / have been awarded Bronze Medal, shall be said to have achieved excellence for the purpose of grant of special Increments in the form of Personal Pay, if more than three individuals / teams have participated in the sporting events and tournaments of National / International importance. This benefit, however, is allowable to only the individual / members of the team securing first position, if the number of individuals / teams that participate in a sporting event and tournament is three or two.
- In the case of non-athletic / equivalent sporting events and tournaments which involve level-related concept and the Game’s format provide for awarding 1 Gold + 1 Silver + 2 Bronze Medals and there is no “Play off’ match for the Bronze Medal which is awarded to both the loosing semi-finalists –
The individuals / members of the teams, achieving first and second positions (i.e. Gold and Silver Medals) respectively, in the finals and both the losing semi-finalist individuals / members of the teams who have been awarded Bronze Medals (i.e. the third position is a tie between the two semi-finalists), shall be said to have achieved excellence for the purpose of grant of Special Increments in the form of Personal Pay, if more than four individuals / teams have participated in the sporting events and tournaments of National / International importance. This benefit, however, is allowable to only the individual / team securing first position, if the number of individuals / teams that participate in a sporting event and tournament is four or three or two.
- (ii) The number of special Increments in the form of Personal Pay to be awarded for achieving excellence in National events and tournaments should be laid down at a scale lower than for excellence in International events and tournaments, say one special Increment in the form of Personal Pay for National event and tournament, and two special Increments in the form of Personal Pay for International events and tournaments.
- (iii) The total number of special Increments in the form of Personal Pay to be awarded to an individual should not exceed five in his / her entire career.
- (iv) The special Increments in the form of Personal Pay so granted would continue to be drawn at the same rate till retirement but this will not count for any service matter like pay fixation on promotion, retirement benefits or DA / CCA etc.
- (v) The special Increment in the form of Personal Pay is to be granted from the first of the month following the month in which the sporting events and tournaments are completed.
- (vi) The special Increments in the form of Personal Pay so granted would be payable at the rate mentioned below and subject to further instructions issued by this Department from time to time in respect of Group ‘A’ officers of the Central Government.
- (vii) The entitled officers should claim the benefits within six months from the date of completion of the overall sporting event and tournament. There shall be one time relaxation, for a period of six months w.e.f. the date of issue of this letter, for submission of claim(s) by the eligible officers of All India Service who achieved such excellence in National or International events and tournaments prior to issue of this letter.
3. This issues with the approval of the competent authority.
Yours faithfully,
(Kuldeep Chaudhary)
Under Secretary to Government of India
Ph. 23094714
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