Defence Ex-Servicemen Welfare of Retired Personnel
Ministry of Defence
Welfare of Retired Personnel
Defence personnel latest news
FEB 2020 3:49PM

The Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare was created in the Ministry of Defence on 22nd September, 2004 in order to pay focused attention to the welfare and resettlement of Ex-Servicemen (ESM). It has 3 Attached offices namely, Kendriya Sainik Board Secretariat (KSB Sectt.), Directorate General of Resettlement, (DGR) and Central Organisation, Ex-servicemen Contributory Health Scheme (CO, ECHS).
KSB Sectt. is responsible for the welfare of Ex-Servicemen and their dependents and also for the administration of various welfare schemes for them.
The office of Directorate General of Resettlement implements various Policies / Schemes / Programmes for pre and post retirement training, re-employment and self- employment of ex-servicemen.
Central Organisation, Ex-Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme takes care of the healthcare and medical needs of Ex-servicemen and their dependents through a network of various polyclinics across the Country.
The Service Headquarters for Army, Air Force and Navy also have dedicated Directorates i.e. Directorate of Indian Army Veterans (DIAV), Directorate of Air Veterans (DAV) and Directorate of Ex-Servicemen Affairs (DESA) respectively to assist veterans in resolving their Pension and welfare issues.
Service HQs organize Veteran’s Day on 14th January every year.
Events are organized by State / UTs at State and District level in form of ‘Sainik Adalat’ to redress their grievances.
Interaction at DGR open forum twice a week at DGR office.
DGR Ex-Servicemen Seminar cum Job fairs are organized pan India. Approximately 8 job fairs are organized in a year.
Regular interaction during visit of DGR / DRZ (Directorate of Re-settlement Zone) officials in their Area of Responsibility (AoR).
Veteran personnel are also invited at ‘At Home’ functions during Army/Air Force/Navy Day celebrations.
A single window online grievance redressal mechanism (CPGRAMS) is already in place by the Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances in which any citizen can lodge their grievances online and get response from the concerned department.
The link of CPGRAMS /CPENGRAMS website has also been given in the website of Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare, CGDA and all Pension Sanctioning Authorities so that ex-servicemen can lodge their grievances in any websites from their home by clicking on the and get their grievances redressed speedily.
This information was given by Raksha Rajya Mantri Shri Shripad Naik in a written reply to Ram Mohan Naidu Kinjarapuin Lok Sabha today.
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