Ad-hoc promotion from Stenographer

No. 10-3/ 2020-SPG
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(Personnel Division)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110 001
Dated: 19th January, 2021
The All Head of Circles
The Director, RAKNPA, Ghaziabad / All Directors PTCs,
CGMs, PLI Dte/ BD&M Dte. / Add. DG APS
Subject: Ad-hoc promotion from Stenographer-I to Private Secretary Grade.
Sir/ Madam,
I am directed to say that this Directorate is in receipt of references on the above-mentioned subject for granting ad-hoc promotion to the eligible stenographers Grade-I to PS cadre.
2. The matter has been examined in the Directorate and it has been observed that though the Private Secretary cadre has been declared as Circle cadre there is difficulty in conducting the DPCs in Circles as previous DPCs have not been held.
3. Present Recruitment Rules of Private Secretary stipulates that officials who have put in three years of regular service in Stenographer Grade-I are eligible for promotion to the Private Secretary Grade. As per the seniority list of Stenographer Grade-I as of 01.01.2011 and 01.01.2017, circulated by SPN branch vide their letter No. 05-04/2016-SPN-I dated 09.11.2020 and letter no. 05.05.2017 dated 07.12.2020 respectively, most of the officials of Stenographer Grade-I are eligible for promotion to the Private Secretary Grade as they have completed more than three years’ service as of 01.01.2020.
4. The issue has been examined and circles are requested to process cases for grant of ad-hoc promotion for a period not exceeding 11 months to eligible Steno Grade-I Officials, as per the existing Recruitment Rules, against the vacancies of Private Secretary available in the circles. The procedure to be adopted by the circles for the purpose will be the same as being followed for grant of ad-hoc promotion to the level of PS Group B. The ad-hoc promotion may be granted only if the official is clear from a Vigilance angle.
5. This issue with the approval of the competent authority. An action taken report in this regard may please be sent to the undersigned.
Yours faithfully,
(Vinayak Mishra)
Assistant Director General (SPG)
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