Constituting the 8th CPC, restoring OPS, releasing the pending/ impounded DA/DR for the eighteen months, and other demands: The Confederation is escalating a phased agitation that will conclude in a mega-rally on November 3rd, 2023.
The Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers is expanding their phased agitation in favour of seven demands as a team with the All India State Government Employees Federation. This includes a big rally in New Delhi on November 3, 2023, with the goal of breaking attendance records. The New Pension Scheme must be revoked, contract workers must be regularised, and privatisation must be halted. Each affiliate has a participation quota, and leaders encourage participants to exceed prior turnout. Affiliates’ financial contributions are critical. The rally represents employee unity and desire to achieve their goals, perhaps altering the Indian labour environment.

North Avenue New Delhi-110001
Ref: Contd. Circular/2023
Dated – 09.10.2023
All Office Bearers/ National Executive Members,
All General Secretaries of State COCS.
All Chief Executive of affiliated Organizations
Dear Comrades,
In continuation of the Confederations earlier circular dated 6-9-2023, If is again reiterated that the Confederation along with the All India State Government Employees Federation is conducting phase wise agitation/ programmes in support of seven Demands, as per Declaration of the joint National Convention held at Talkatora Indoor Stadium on 6th December 2022. Currently, State level Convention Seminars are being held everywhere, vehicle jathes are taken out either jointly with AISGEF wherever it is possible or separately by the respective organisations. A mega Rally is scheduled to be held on 3rd November 23 at Ramlila Maiden, all out efforts have to made by all the affiliates or Confederation, State COCS to make the Rally, an historic one terms or the number or participants . Already a Rally on single issue or “SCRAP NPS AND RESTORE OPS“, was held on the same venue on 10th August ,under the banner or JFROPS (NJCA), of which Confederation was a major Constituent and actively participated in the rally.
The seven points Charter of Demands in pursuant of which the agitations are going on, and the rally is to be held, are as under ;
- Annul PFRDA act, Scrap NPS, Restore OPS.
- Regularise Contractual/ Outsourced/ Dally waged employees including Health, Education & Postal GDS; fill up all the Vacancies in Central/ State Government Departments & PSUs , urgently.
- Stop privatisation/ corporatisation or PSUs and Downsizing of Government Departments.
- Ensure Democratic Trade union rights; Review the derecognition order’s of NFPE, AIPEU Group C & ISROSA
- Abandon National Educational Programme.
- Constitute 8th Central Pay Commission; Release the Pending/ Impounded DA/DR for Eighteen Months (from 1-1-20 to 30-6-21).
- Remove all Rider’s/ Restrictions on Compassionate Employment Assistance Scheme.
The quota fixed for various organisations for the 3rd November 23 rally to be organised at RamIlia Maldan.on the call of Confederation and AISGEF. are as under :-
1. NFPE : 5000
2. ITEF. : 3000
3. AUDIT : 1000
4. DELHI : 1000
5. EPF : 500
All the affiliates of Confederation have the daunting task of rising up to the occassion. and their leadership should leave no stone unturned to reach out to each and every member explain them the demands and circumstances under which we are agitating, mobilize the rank and file, for participating en mass in the 3rd November 23 rally and make it a grand Success .It should be ensured that participation of member’s from the Confederation must be more than, that was in the previous rally of 10th August . respective organisations must do their level best to fulfill the quota allotted to them .
State COCs of Delhi and adjoining state’s have to play a major role in mobilizing the rank and file and bringing them for the Rally, as compared to the other states, wherein it would be difficult to bring members in large numbers, owing to various reasons .
Remittance of Quota :: As stated in previous circulars , it is again reiterated that the financial position of the Confederation is very weak , and without fund’s no movement or organisation can be effectively run , huge expenses would be incurred on the proposed program of rally and other activities of the Confederation . General Secretaries of ail the State COCs/All affiliates of the Confederation, are once again requested to kindly remit their “Due quota” of previous year’s,if not paid and the quota for the year of 2023 latest by the 20th October , so that functioning of the organisation could be carried out smoothly and in better way
An online meeting of the National Executive Committee of Confederation would be held, soon to review the ongoing campaign programme and also the financial position of the Confederation .
Comradely yours,
( S B Yadav)
Secretary General
Citizen says
Other than 8 th cpc and filling up vacant posts…. All other demands are bull shit 💩.
They don’t want accountability but want all unjustified privileges.
Pksidhu says
Please add increase in retirement age to 65 years as a demand
S. Rathi says
Please incorporate LDC-UDC upgradation demand. Unfortunately, a small country in front of our Great Country has upgraded LDC-UDC’s pay and we are just waiting and only waiting.