Retired government officers for engagement as consultants in the Department of Social Justice & Empowerment, on contract basis

Latest DoPT Orders 2020
No. 21/2/2020/ CS-I (Coord)
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
CS-I Division
2nd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan
Khan Market, New Delhi-3
Dated the 21st December, 2020
Office Memorandum
Subject : Notice inviting applications from retired government officers for engagement as consultants in the Department of Social Justice & Empowerment, on contract basis- reg.
The undersigned is directed to circulate the Office Memorandum No. A-12034/1/2020-Estt-II dated 8th December, 2020 (along with enclosures) received from Ministry of Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, who proposes to engage retired officers.
- ln case of any further clarification, applicants are requested to
contact the concerned Ministries / Departments.
(PB Sahu)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
All Ministries / Departments (through DoPT’s website)
Retired government officers as consultants in the Dept. of Social Justice
The last date prescribed for receipt of applications in D/o SJ&E is 31st December, 2020. A copy of Advertisement is also readily available on the website of D/o SJ&E (
Department of Social Justice & Empowerment invites applications for engagement of Consultants from retired officers from Central Government
Ministries/ Departments/ CPSUs, for engagement as Consultants on contract basis.
The eligibility criteria/ experience and terms and conditions of the engagement are as under:
- Consultant-Finance (1 post) : Retired officers of Central Government / CPSUs in the level of Section Officer/ Under Secretary or equivalent. Should be capable of examining Annual accounts, financial statements, Board draft resolutions, Department of Public Enterprises (DPE) guidelines and implementation of India Accounting standard prescribed by Ministry of Company Affairs etc. The consultant must be well versed in commercial accounts and in broad understanding of DPE & Ministry of Company Affair’s orders/guidelines etc. Should have competency in drafting of noting and communications and working knowledge in MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point etc.
- Consultant-Establishment (1 post) : Retired officers of Central Government in the level of Section Officer/ Assistant Section Officer or equivalent and having experience in handling Establishment matters and Secretariat procedures. Should have competency in drafting of noting and communications and working knowledge in MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point etc.
- Consultant- Cash Section (1 post) : Retired officers of Central Government in the level of Section Office/ Assistant Section Officer or equivalent and having experience in handling various tasks in Cash Section which includes preparation of salary bills, income tax calculation, bills and vouchers, PFMS etc. Should have competency in drafting of noting and communications and working knowledge in MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point etc.
- Consultant- Coordination (1 post) : Retired officers of Central Government in the level of Section Officer or equivalent and having experience in handling coordination work in the Ministry/ Department. Should have competency in drafting of noting and communications and working knowledge in MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point etc.
- Consultant-Policy/ Scheme (1 post) : Retired officers of Central Government in the level of Section Officer or equivalent. Should have experience in handling work relating to Policy matters/ schemes/ drafting SFC/ EFC/ Cabinet Note etc. Should have competency in drafting of noting and communications and working knowledge in MS Word, MS Excel. MS Power Point etc.
- Consultant legal (02 posts) : Retired officers of Central Government in the level of Under Secretary/ Deputy Secretary or equivalent with Degree of LLB and having experience in handling legal matters/ court cases related to Supreme Court High Court / CAT etc. Should have working knowledge in MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point etc.
- Consultant- PCR Desk (1 post) : Retired officers of Central Government/ CPSUs in the level of Under Secretary/ Section Officer or equivalent. Should be capable to deal with Amendments in the Acts, Private Member Bill, Resolutions, Parliament Questions/ Assurances, Special Mentions, RTI, matters related to offences of untouchability & atrocities, Public Grievances and preparing & laying of Annual Reports in Parliament, etc. Should have competency in drafting of noting and communications and working knowledge in MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point etc.
- Consultant-Statistics Division (1 post) : Retired officers of Central Government/ CPSUs in the level of Section Officer/ Assistant Section Officer or equivalent. Should be capable to deal with evaluation of Social Audit Scheme, Statistics related matter, Outcome framework, Gender Budgeting, preparation of Annual Report, Tender, Parliament Questions, Public Grievances, VIP References and RTI, etc. Should have competency in drafting of noting and communications and working knowledge in MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point etc.
The tenure of contract shall be initially for one year which is extendable on the basis of requirement of the office and performance of the candidate. The Contract can be terminated at any time at the discretion of the Department, if the performance of the person so engaged is not found satisfactory.
The Department of Social Justice & Empowerment reserves the right to accept or reject the applications without assigning any reasons.
Cut-off Age: The age of the applicant shall not exceed 63 years as on last date of receipt of application.
Monthly remuneration: The monthly remuneration and the terms and conditions of Consultants shall be regulated by Guidelines and Procedure for engagement of Consultants in Department of Social Justice & Empowerment (attached).
Interested persons may apply in the enclosed proforma and may forward the signed scanned copy of the application along with enclosures via mail at [email protected] on or before the closing date.
The last date for receipt of applications is 31.12.2020.
Source: DoPT
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