Pay Matrix Table for the Employees Working in the State Government of Rajasthan

After the Implementation of the 7th pay commission to CG employees, the State Government of Rajasthan also implemented a newly revised pay scale for its employees immediately. The Finance Department of Rajasthan published a Notification on 30th October 2017 regarding Revised Pay Rules 2017 with effect from 1.10.2017 as per the same format of 7th pay commission.
Pay Matrix Table for all Rajasthan State Govt Employees and Officers
- Pay (Salary) level from 1 to 24
- Index stages up to 40
- Minimum pay (Salary): Rs. 17,700
- Maximum pay (Salary): Rs. 2,18,600
Pay Matrix means Matrix specified in Part ‘B of the Schedule-1, with Levels of pay arranged in vertical Cells as assigned to corresponding existing Running Pay Band and Grade Pay. Level in the Pay Matrix shall mean the Level corresponding to the existing Running Pay Band and Grade Pay. Pay in the Level means pay drawn in the appropriate Cell of the Level.
As per Finance Department of Rajasthan State Government Notification dated on 30.10.2017
Note: The Pay of existing Government servants drawing pay in Running Pay Band PB-2 ‘9300-34800’ and Grade Pay of Rs. 5400/- (15) shall be fixed in the Level 13 in Pay Matrix.
Corresponding Levels of existing Running Pay Band and Grade Pays
Rajasthan Pay Matrix Table for Level 1 to Level 5
PB-I (5200-20200)
1700 | 1750 | 1900 | 2000 | 2400 |
Pay Matrix Level 1 | Pay Matrix Level 2 | Pay Matrix Level 3 | Pay Matrix Level 4 | Pay Matrix Level 5 |
17700 | 17900 | 18200 | 19200 | 20800 |
18200 | 18400 | 18700 | 19800 | 21400 |
18700 | 19000 | 19300 | 20400 | 22000 |
19300 | 19600 | 19900 | 21000 | 22700 |
19900 | 20200 | 20500 | 21600 | 23400 |
20500 | 20800 | 21100 | 22200 | 24100 |
21100 | 21400 | 21700 | 22900 | 24800 |
21700 | 22000 | 22400 | 23600 | 25500 |
22400 | 22700 | 23100 | 24300 | 26300 |
23100 | 23400 | 23800 | 25000 | 27100 |
23800 | 24100 | 24500 | 25800 | 27900 |
24500 | 24800 | 25200 | 26600 | 28700 |
25200 | 25500 | 26000 | 27400 | 29600 |
26000 | 26300 | 26800 | 28200 | 30500 |
26800 | 27100 | 27600 | 29000 | 31400 |
27600 | 27900 | 28400 | 29900 | 32300 |
28400 | 28700 | 29300 | 30800 | 33300 |
29300 | 29600 | 30200 | 31700 | 34300 |
30200 | 30500 | 31100 | 32700 | 35300 |
31100 | 31400 | 32000 | 33700 | 36400 |
32000 | 32300 | 33000 | 34700 | 37500 |
33000 | 33300 | 34000 | 35700 | 38600 |
34000 | 34300 | 35000 | 36800 | 39800 |
35000 | 35300 | 36100 | 37900 | 41000 |
36100 | 36400 | 37200 | 39000 | 42200 |
37200 | 37500 | 38300 | 40200 | 43500 |
38300 | 38600 | 39400 | 41400 | 44800 |
39400 | 39800 | 40600 | 42600 | 46100 |
40600 | 41000 | 41800 | 43900 | 47500 |
41800 | 42200 | 43100 | 45200 | 48900 |
43100 | 43500 | 44400 | 46600 | 50400 |
44400 | 44800 | 45700 | 48000 | 51900 |
45700 | 46100 | 47100 | 49400 | 53500 |
47100 | 47500 | 48500 | 50900 | 55100 |
48500 | 48900 | 50000 | 52400 | 56800 |
50000 | 50400 | 51500 | 54000 | 58500 |
51500 | 51900 | 53000 | 55600 | 60300 |
53000 | 53500 | 54600 | 57300 | 62100 |
54600 | 55100 | 56200 | 59000 | 64000 |
56200 | 56800 | 57900 | 60800 | 65900 |
Rajasthan Pay Matrix Table for Level 6 to Level 9
Grade Pay | 2400 | 2400 | 2800 | 2800 |
Index | Pay Matrix Level 6 | Pay Matrix Level 7 | Pay Matrix Level 8 | Pay Matrix Level 9 |
1 | 21500 | 22400 | 26300 | 28700 |
2 | 22100 | 23100 | 27100 | 29600 |
3 | 22800 | 23800 | 27900 | 30500 |
4 | 23500 | 24500 | 28700 | 31400 |
5 | 24200 | 25200 | 29600 | 32300 |
6 | 24900 | 26000 | 30500 | 33300 |
7 | 25600 | 26800 | 31400 | 34300 |
8 | 26400 | 27600 | 32300 | 35300 |
9 | 27200 | 28400 | 33300 | 36400 |
10 | 28000 | 29300 | 34300 | 37500 |
11 | 28800 | 30200 | 35300 | 38600 |
12 | 29700 | 31100 | 36400 | 39800 |
13 | 30600 | 32000 | 37500 | 41000 |
14 | 31500 | 33000 | 38600 | 42200 |
15 | 32400 | 34000 | 39800 | 43500 |
16 | 33400 | 35000 | 41000 | 44800 |
17 | 34400 | 36100 | 42200 | 46100 |
18 | 35400 | 37200 | 43500 | 47500 |
19 | 36500 | 38300 | 44800 | 48900 |
20 | 37600 | 39400 | 46100 | 50400 |
21 | 38700 | 40600 | 47500 | 51900 |
22 | 39900 | 41800 | 48900 | 53500 |
23 | 41100 | 43100 | 50400 | 55100 |
24 | 42300 | 44400 | 51900 | 56800 |
25 | 43600 | 45700 | 53500 | 58500 |
26 | 44900 | 47100 | 55100 | 60300 |
27 | 46200 | 48500 | 56800 | 62100 |
28 | 47600 | 50000 | 58500 | 64000 |
29 | 49000 | 51500 | 60300 | 65900 |
30 | 50500 | 53000 | 62100 | 67900 |
31 | 52000 | 54600 | 64000 | 69900 |
32 | 53600 | 56200 | 65900 | 72000 |
33 | 55200 | 57900 | 67900 | 74200 |
34 | 56900 | 59600 | 69900 | 76400 |
35 | 58600 | 61400 | 72000 | 78700 |
36 | 60400 | 63200 | 74200 | 81100 |
37 | 62200 | 65100 | 76400 | 83500 |
38 | 64100 | 67100 | 78700 | 86000 |
39 | 66000 | 69100 | 81100 | 88600 |
40 | 68000 | 71200 | 83500 | 91300 |
Rajasthan Pay Matrix Table for Level 10 to Level 13
Grade Pay | GP-3600 | GP-4200 | GP-4800 | GP-5400 |
Index | Pay Matrix Level 10 | Pay Matrix Level 11 | Pay Matrix Level 12 | Pay Matrix Level 13 |
1 | 33800 | 37800 | 44300 | 53100 |
2 | 34800 | 38900 | 45600 | 54700 |
3 | 35800 | 40100 | 47000 | 56300 |
4 | 36900 | 41300 | 48400 | 58000 |
5 | 38000 | 42500 | 49900 | 59700 |
6 | 39100 | 43800 | 51400 | 61500 |
7 | 40300 | 45100 | 52900 | 63300 |
8 | 41500 | 46500 | 54500 | 65200 |
9 | 42700 | 47900 | 56100 | 67200 |
10 | 44000 | 49300 | 57800 | 69200 |
11 | 45300 | 50800 | 59500 | 71300 |
12 | 46700 | 52300 | 61300 | 73400 |
13 | 48100 | 53900 | 63100 | 75600 |
14 | 49500 | 55500 | 65000 | 77900 |
15 | 51000 | 57200 | 67000 | 80200 |
16 | 52500 | 58900 | 69000 | 82600 |
17 | 54100 | 60700 | 71100 | 85100 |
18 | 55700 | 62500 | 73200 | 87700 |
19 | 57400 | 64400 | 75400 | 90300 |
20 | 59100 | 66300 | 77700 | 93000 |
21 | 60900 | 68300 | 80000 | 95800 |
22 | 62700 | 70300 | 82400 | 98700 |
23 | 64600 | 72400 | 84900 | 101700 |
24 | 66500 | 74600 | 87400 | 104800 |
25 | 68500 | 76800 | 90000 | 107900 |
26 | 70600 | 79100 | 92700 | 111100 |
27 | 72700 | 81500 | 95500 | 114400 |
28 | 74900 | 83900 | 98400 | 117800 |
29 | 77100 | 86400 | 101400 | 121300 |
30 | 79400 | 89000 | 104400 | 124900 |
31 | 81800 | 91700 | 107500 | 128600 |
32 | 84300 | 94500 | 110700 | 132500 |
33 | 86800 | 97300 | 114000 | 136500 |
34 | 89400 | 100200 | 117400 | 140600 |
35 | 92100 | 103200 | 120900 | 144800 |
36 | 94900 | 106300 | 124500 | 149100 |
37 | 97700 | 109500 | 128200 | 153600 |
38 | 100600 | 112800 | 132000 | 158200 |
39 | 103600 | 116200 | 136000 | 162900 |
40 | 106700 | 119700 | 140100 | 167800 |
Rajasthan Pay Matrix Table for Level 14 to Level 17
GP-5400 | GP-6000 | GP-6600 | GP-6800 |
Pay Matrix Level 14 | Pay Matrix Level 15 | Pay Matrix Level 16 | Pay Matrix Level 17 |
56100 | 60700 | 67300 | 71000 |
57800 | 62500 | 69300 | 73100 |
59500 | 64400 | 71400 | 75300 |
61300 | 66300 | 73500 | 77600 |
63100 | 68300 | 75700 | 79900 |
65000 | 70300 | 78000 | 82300 |
67000 | 72400 | 80300 | 84800 |
69000 | 74600 | 82700 | 87300 |
71100 | 76800 | 85200 | 89900 |
73200 | 79100 | 87800 | 92600 |
75400 | 81500 | 90400 | 95400 |
77700 | 83900 | 93100 | 98300 |
80000 | 86400 | 95900 | 101200 |
82400 | 89000 | 98800 | 104200 |
84900 | 91700 | 101800 | 107300 |
87400 | 94500 | 104900 | 110500 |
90000 | 97300 | 108000 | 113800 |
92700 | 100200 | 111200 | 117200 |
95500 | 103200 | 114500 | 120700 |
98400 | 106300 | 117900 | 124300 |
101400 | 109500 | 121400 | 128000 |
104400 | 112800 | 125000 | 131800 |
107500 | 116200 | 128800 | 135800 |
110700 | 119700 | 132700 | 139900 |
114000 | 123300 | 136700 | 144100 |
117400 | 127000 | 140800 | 148400 |
120900 | 130800 | 145000 | 152900 |
124500 | 134700 | 149400 | 157500 |
128200 | 138700 | 153900 | 162200 |
132000 | 142900 | 158500 | 167100 |
136000 | 147200 | 163300 | 172100 |
140100 | 151600 | 168200 | 177300 |
144300 | 156100 | 173200 | 182600 |
148600 | 160800 | 178400 | 188100 |
153100 | 165600 | 183800 | 193700 |
157700 | 170600 | 189300 | 199500 |
162400 | 175700 | 195000 | |
167300 | 181000 | ||
172300 | 186400 | ||
177500 | 192000 |
Rajasthan Pay Matrix Table for Level 18 to Level 20
GP-7200 | GP-7600 | GP-8200 |
Pay Matrix Level 18 | Pay Matrix Level 19 | Pay Matrix Level 20 |
75300 | 79900 | 88900 |
77600 | 82300 | 91600 |
79900 | 84800 | 94300 |
82300 | 87300 | 97100 |
84800 | 89900 | 100000 |
87300 | 92600 | 103000 |
89900 | 95400 | 106100 |
92600 | 98300 | 109300 |
95400 | 101200 | 112600 |
98300 | 104200 | 116000 |
101200 | 107300 | 119500 |
104200 | 110500 | 123100 |
107300 | 113800 | 126800 |
110500 | 117200 | 130600 |
113800 | 120700 | 134500 |
117200 | 124300 | 138500 |
120700 | 128000 | 142700 |
124300 | 131800 | 147000 |
128000 | 135800 | 151400 |
131800 | 139900 | 155900 |
135800 | 144100 | 160600 |
139900 | 148400 | 165400 |
144100 | 152900 | 170400 |
148400 | 157500 | 175500 |
152900 | 162200 | 180800 |
157500 | 167100 | 186200 |
162200 | 172100 | 191800 |
167100 | 177300 | 197600 |
172100 | 182600 | 203500 |
177300 | 188100 | |
182600 | 193700 | |
188100 | 199500 | |
193700 | ||
199500 |
Rajasthan Pay Matrix Table for Level 21 to Level 24
GP-8700 | GP-8900 | GP-9500 | GP-10000 |
Pay Matrix Level 21 | Pay Matrix Level 22 | Pay Matrix Level 23 | Pay Matrix Level 24 |
123100 | 129700 | 145800 | 148800 |
126800 | 133600 | 150200 | 153300 |
130600 | 137600 | 154700 | 157900 |
134500 | 141700 | 159300 | 162600 |
138500 | 146000 | 164100 | 167500 |
142700 | 150400 | 169000 | 172500 |
147000 | 154900 | 174100 | 177700 |
151400 | 159500 | 179300 | 183000 |
155900 | 164300 | 184700 | 188500 |
160600 | 169200 | 190200 | 194200 |
165400 | 174300 | 195900 | 200000 |
170400 | 179500 | 201800 | 206000 |
175500 | 184900 | 207900 | 212200 |
180800 | 190400 | 214100 | 218600 |
186200 | 196100 | ||
191800 | 202000 | ||
197600 | 208100 | ||
203500 |
Note: The Pay of existing Government servants drawing pay in Running Pay Band PB-2 ‘9300-34800’ and Grade Pay of Rs. 5400/- (15) shall be fixed in the Level 13 in Pay Matrix.
Corresponding Pay Levels of Existing Running Pay Band and Grade Pay
Existing Running Pay Band – Existing Grade Pay – Existing Grade Pay No. – Level in Pay Matrix
- PB-1 (5200-20200) – GP 1700 – GP No. 2 – Pay Matrix Level 1
- PB-1 (5200-20200) – GP 1750 – GP No. 3 – Pay Matrix Level 2
- PB-1 (5200-20200) – GP 1900 – GP No. 4 – Pay Matrix Level 3
- PB-1 (5200-20200) – GP 2000 – GP No. 5 – Pay Matrix Level 4
- PB-1 (5200-20200) – GP 2400 – GP No. 9 – Pay Matrix Level 5
- PB-1 (5200-20200) – GP 2400 – GP No. 9A – Pay Matrix Level 6
- PB-1 (5200-20200) – GP 2400 – GP No. 9B – Pay Matrix Level 7
- PB-1 (5200-20200) – GP 2800 – GP No. 10 – Pay Matrix Level 8
- PB-1 (5200-20200) – GP 2800 – GP No. 10A – Pay Matrix Level 9
Existing Running Pay Band – Existing Grade Pay – Existing Grade Pay No. – Level in Pay Matrix
- PB-2 (9300-34800) – GP 3600 – GP No. 11 – Pay Matrix Level 10
- PB-2 (9300-34800) – GP 4200 – GP No. 12 – Pay Matrix Level 11
- PB-2 (9300-34800) – GP 4800 – GP No. 14 – Pay Matrix Level 12
- PB-2 (9300-34800) – GP 5400 – GP No. 15 – Pay Matrix Level 13
Existing Running Pay Band – Existing Grade Pay – Existing Grade Pay No. – Level in Pay Matrix
- PB-3 (15600-39100) – GP 5400 – GP No. 15 – Pay Matrix Level 14
- PB-3 (15600-39100) – GP 6000 – GP No. 16 – Pay Matrix Level 15
- PB-3 (15600-39100) – GP 6600 – GP No. 17 – Pay Matrix Level 16
- PB-3 (15600-39100) – GP 6800 – GP No. 18 – Pay Matrix Level 17
- PB-3 (15600-39100) – GP 7200 – GP No. 19 – Pay Matrix Level 18
- PB-3 (15600-39100) – GP 7600 – GP No. 20 – Pay Matrix Level 19
- PB-3 (15600-39100) – GP 8200 – GP No. 21 – Pay Matrix Level 20
Existing Running Pay Band – Existing Grade Pay – Existing Grade Pay No. – Level in Pay Matrix
- PB-4 (37400-67000) – GP 8700 – GP No. 22 – Pay Matrix Level 21
PB-4 (37400-67000) – GP 8900 – GP No. 23 – Pay Matrix Level 22
PB-4 (37400-67000) – GP 9500 – GP No. 23A – Pay Matrix Level 23
PB-4 (37400-67000) – GP 10000 – GP No. 24 – Pay Matrix Level 24