Filling up of vacant posts in Central Government Ministries / Department
Latest DoPT Orders 2020
FNo. 43014/03/2019- Estt(B)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
North Block, New Delhi,
Dated 21st January, 2020
Office Memorandum
Subject: Filling up of vacant posts in Central Government Ministries / Department – reg.
Attention is drawn towards this Department’s OM No. 39020/18/2016- Estt.(B) dated 19th December, 2016 regarding timely and advance action in filling up the Direct Recruitment (DR) vacancies. It was, inter-alia, requested therein that advance action may be taken by the Ministries/ Departments and their Attached and Subordinate Offices for reporting vacancy position with respect to Direct Recruitment (DR) posts to the concerned recruitment agency i.e. Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) and Staff Selection Commission (SSC) etc, for filling up of such Direct Recruitment vacancies in a timely manner.
The Cabinet Committee on Investment and Growth in the meeting held on 23.12.2019, has directed to take time bound action to fill the existing vacancies in various Ministries / Departments.
Accordingly, all the Ministries/ Departments are requested to fill up the existing vacancies in the concerned Ministries/ Departments, their Attached and Subordinate Offices, in a time bound manner. It is also requested that a report with regard to action taken to fill up the existing vacancies, may be sent to this Department, as per format given overleaf, by 5th day of every month. The first such report should reach this Department latest by 5th February, 2020.
(Rajbir Singh)
Under Secretary to the Government of India

Source: DoPT
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