Eligibility for Joining CGHS – Central Government employees

Eligibility for Joining CGHS – Central Government employees
All the following persons are eligible for CGHS facilities
1. All Central Government employees paid from the Central Civil Estimates (except Railways and Delhi Administration), including their dependant family members residing in CGHS covered areas.
2. Pensioners of Central Government (except pensioners belonging to Railways and the Armed Forces) and their families.
3. Central Government Pensioners retiring with Contributory Provident Fund benefits and their families.
4. Widows of Central Government pensioners, in receipt of family pension.
5. Delhi Police personnel and their families, in Delhi only.
6. Railway Board employees.
7. Civilian employees of Defence paid from Defence Service Estimates.
8. Child drawing pension on death of a Central Government employee including minor brothers and sisters of such child.
9. Ex-Governors and Lt. Governors and their families.
10. Ex-Vice Presidents and their families.
11. Central Government servants who are deputed to semi-government and autonomous bodies receiving substantial grant from, or financed by the Central Government.
12. Central Govt. employees on deputation to statutory or autonomous during the period of deputation.
13. Military Officers while on deputation to civil departments and getting their emoluments from Central Civil Estimates.
14. Families of Governments servants transferred to a non-CGHS area, for a maximum period of six months on deposit of CGHS contribution (for the period of 6 months) in advance.
15. Families of IAS Officers on North-Eastern Cadre, who continue to stay back in Delhi even after repatriation of the IAS Officer to the North-Eastern Cadre, provided that they continue to occupy Government accommodation in Delhi or New Delhi, on deposit of CGHS contribution in advance (one to three years). The same also applies to families of IAS Officers of J&K Cadre.
16. Parliamentary Secretaries of the Central Government and their families.
17. Members of Parliament and their families.
18. Ex-Members of Parliament.
19. Sitting Judges of Supreme Court and High Court of Delhi and former Judges of Supreme Court and High Courts.
20. Work Charged and Industrial Staff working in establishments run by various Ministries or Departments of Central Government, immediately from the date of their joining the service.
21. Employees of Kendriya Vidyalays Sangathan stationed at Delhi and NCR, Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad, Mumbai and Bengaluru.
22. Employees of Ordnance Factory Board Headquarters, Kolkata and Ordnance Equipment Factories Headquarters, Kanpur.
23. All India Service pensioners who retire while serving under the State at their option.
24. Freedom Fighters and members of their family receiving Central Pension under the Swatantrata Sainik Samman Pension Scheme.
25. Family members of the Deceased Ex-Members of Parliament.
26. Pensioners of Ordnance factories.
27. Members of Staff Side of the National Council of the Joint Consultative Machinery, even though not serving as Central Government employees.
28. Persons employed in semi-government and autonomous bodies who are permitted to join the CGH Scheme.
29. An Accredited Journalist who produces a certificate from the Press Council of India stating that he is a member of the Press Association, New Delhi (for OPD and at RML Hospital).
30. Retired Divisional Accountants of the Indian Audit and Accounts Department and those whose pay and pension are entirely borne by the State governments.
31. PSU absorbees who had commuted 100 percent of their pension and have been restored one third portion of their pension after 15 years.
32. Absorbees of Statutory Bodies or Autonomous Bodies of Central Govt. (including those who proceeded on deputation initially or were on deemed deputation and then absorbed), who are in receipt of Central Civil Pension.
33. Serving and retired Railway Audit Staff.
34. Serving and retired Divisional Accounts Officers and Divisional Accountants posted in the Office of Accountant Generals in States.
35. CISF personnel (and their families) and CAPF (Central Armed Police Forces) personnel posted in CGHS cities.
36. Employees of Supreme Court Legal Services Committee.
37. Employees of India Pharmacopoeia Commission, and their families.
38. Family and dependent members of a Central Govt. employee (a CGHS beneficiary) who stay back in CGHS covered area after posting of the employee to N.E. region (including Sikkim), Andaman and Nicobar Lakshadweep or Ladakh region and CAPF personnel posted in Left Wing Extremist areas, on payment of annual CGHS contribution in advance.
39. Defence Industrial Employees of Naval Dockyard Central Ordnance Depot and AFMSD, in Mumbai.
Facilities available under CGHS – Central Government Employees
Eligibility Criterion
Residence alone (and not the Headquarters) is the criterion for determining eligibility of a Central Government servant for availing medical facilities under the Central Government Health Scheme. Thus, Central Government employees and their family members etc. residing in any of the notified cities are covered under the Scheme.
Source: CGHS