Year End Review 2018 – Ministry of Women & Child Development
POSHAN Abhiyaan, PM’s Overarching Scheme for Holistic Nourishment launched
Enhancement of honorarium of anganwadi workers/helpers
New initiatives to strengthen Gender Budgeting
*279 OSCs operational, over 1.93 Lakh women supported *
* More than 65.20 Lakh beneficiaries enrolled under MMMVY*
* Mahila E-haat grows impacting over 32000 women entrepreneurs/SHGs/NGOs and over 7.34 lakh beneficiaries.*
*723 Child Welfare Committees and 702 Juvenile Justice Boards have been set up across the country*
- Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP)
Beti Bachao Beti Padhao is one the flagship programmes of the Government. It is a tri-ministerial, convergent effort of Ministries of Women and Child Development, Health & Family Welfare and Human Resource Development with focus on Awareness and Advocacy Campaign; Multi-sectoral action in select 405 districts (low on CSR) and Alert Media & Advocacy outreach in 235 districts; Effective enforcement of Pre-Conception and Pre Natal Diagnostic Techniques (PC&PNDT) Act and Enabling girls’ education.
The scheme is envisaged to bring an improvement in Sex Ratio at Birth (SRB) in the short term while Child Sex Ratio (CSR) with manifestation of over-all development such as improved health & nutrition, gender parity in education, better sanitation, opportunities and removal of asymmetries between the genders is endeavored in the long term.
The programme is going to complete in 4 years and in this short span of time, the clarion call of Beti Bachao Beti Padhao is resonating across the country. This programme has been successful in establishing improvement in CSR as a National Agenda. It has stirred national consciousness with the political leadership and Government, both at the Central and States/UTs level owning the initiative. Several innovative interventions have been demonstrated on ground in the selected districts. The awareness and advocacy campaign and multi-sectoral action in districts has resulted in increased awareness, sensitization and conscious building around the issue of declining CSR in the public domain.
Encouraging trends are visible as per the latest HMIS data of MoHFW for 161 BBBP districts for the time period between April-March, 2015-16 & 2016-17 indicating that, an improving trend in Sex Ratio at Birth (SRB) is visible in 104 districts, 119 districts have reported progress in first trimester registration against the reported Anti Natal Care registrations and 146 districts have reported improvement in institutional deliveries. In addition, as per Unified District Information System for Education (U-DISE) 2015-16, the girl’s enrolment in secondary education has increased to 80.97% against 76% in 2013-14. Construction of girl’s toilets in every school in selected districts has been achieved.
Based on the successful implementation in 161 districts, the Government has expanded coverage of BBBP which included Multi-sectoral intervention in 244 districts in addition to existing 161 districts, where physical implementation of the scheme is happening under the leadership of Collector/DM/DC. The District Level Centre for Women (DLCW) under Mahila Shakti Kendra (MSK) Scheme provides foothold for BBBP Scheme in the district. At the state level, the State Task Force headed by the Chief Secretary will provide overall guidance for implementation of scheme. 235 districts are to be covered through Alert District Media, Advocacy and Outreach, thus covering all the 640 districts (as per census 2011) of the Country to have a deeper positive impact on Child Sex Ratio.
2. Women Welfare
- One Stop Centre:- Many women who face violent crimes do not know where to go for support. For them, One Stop Centres (OSCs) have been set up across the country. The scheme of One Stop Centres was initiated in March 2015 for facilitating access to an integrated range of services including police, medical, legal, psychological support and temporary shelter to women affected by violence. The Scheme is funded through Nirbhaya Fund.
OSCs are set being set up in a phased manner in all the districts of the country. The Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India has already given approval to State Governments and Union Territory Administrations for setting up of One Stop Centres in all the 718 districts of the country. So far, 279 OSCs have become operational. These centres have offered support to over 1.93 Lakh women.
- Women Helpline:- The Scheme of Universalization of Women Helpline is being implemented since 1st April 2015 and is intended to provide 24 hours emergency and non-emergency response to women affected by violence through referral (linking with appropriate authority such as police, One Stop Centre, hospital) and information about women related government schemes/programmes across the country through a single uniform number (181). So far, women helplines have become operational in 32 States/UTs. They have managed more than 20.23 lakh calls of women. The Scheme is funded through Nirbhaya Fund.
- Sexual Harassment at Workplace:- The Sexual Harassment at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 covers all women, irrespective of their age or employment status and protects them against sexual harassment at all workplaces whether organized or unorganized. Students, apprentices, labourers, domestic workers and even women visiting an officer are included in the Act.
In order to ensure the effective implementation of the Act, MWCD has developed an online complaint management system titled Sexual Harassment electronic-Box (SHe-Box) for registering complaints related to sexual harassment at workplace. SHe-Box portal offers the facility of making online complaints of sexual harassment at workplace to all women employees in the country, including all government and private employees.
To create widespread awareness about the Act across the country, both in organized and unorganized sector, MWCD has identified a pool of 223 resource institutions to provide capacity building programs i.e. trainings, workshops etc. on the issue of sexual harassment at the workplace. SHe-Box also provides a platform to these empanelled institutes/organisations to share their capacity building activities with the Ministry which in turn will be able to monitor the activities of these institutes/organizations so empanelled from across the country. In the year 2018, these empanelled institutes had organised more than 744 capacity building exercises attended by more than 50,000 people.
iv) Child Marriage:- The Ministry has been taking action to end the practice of child marriage. The Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006 punishes those who promote, perform and abet child marriage. The Government of India proposes to amend “The Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006”. The proposed amendments would declare child marriage void ab initio instead of being voidable at the option of the contracting parties who were child at the time of marriage.
v) Training of Elected Women Representatives:- The Ministry has taken up the training of elected women representatives (EWRs) in panchayats to empower them to govern their villages effectively and develop into grassroots changemakers. First phase of the training (2017-18) trained 18,578 EWRs covering 414 Districts across 14 States. The second phase (started in Sept, 2018) is to train 13,950 EWRs covering 310 Districts across 19 States. The programme aims at improving the leadership qualities and managements skills of EWRs for better implementation of various schemes, impart knowledge on important legislations and monitor asset creation and public works.
vi) Grievance Redressal Cell:- The Grievance Redressal Cell of the Ministry deals with the online grievances that are received on issues related to women and children. Citizens can send in complaints to [email protected] for a prompt response. The above system is working very effectively as it helps in prompt action and regular follow-up. The cell has processed close to 39,347 complaints in the one year since its inception.
3. Gender Budgeting (GB)
- i. Women face various forms of vulnerability and discrimination throughout their life cycle. It was recognized that budgets are an important way to significantly reduce these vulnerabilities. Under the scheme of Gender Budgeting (GB),steps are being taken to ensure the institutionalisation of GB from policy formulation to outcome achievement in the Centre and across State Governments. The scheme has three main focus areas: Advocacy and guidance to Gender Budget Cells; Training and capacity building of stakeholders; and Facilitating Gender Budget analysis and performance audit. Under this Scheme, MWCD provides financial support to Central/ State Government Institutes for imparting training to different stakeholders to strengthen the process of gender budgeting. In the last three financial years, MWCD has supported over 180 training programmes.
- Through the Ministry’s continuous efforts 57 Central Ministries and Departments have formed Gender Budgeting Cells. Also, 21 State Governments have designated State Nodal Centres responsible for imparting training to Government Stakeholders on Gender Budgeting.
- MWCD has been involved in ensuring that public resources in the form of budgets are earmarked adequately towards addressing women’s concerns. In the year 2018-19, 33 Ministries/Departments and Union Territories have reported on the same, accounting for Rupees 1, 21,961.32 Crores (4.99%) of the total Union Budget.
- MWCD has been strengthening internal and external capacities on Gender Budgeting within the Centre and across States through collaborative efforts with the Ministry of Finance, NITI Aayog at the institutional level and with NIFM at the level of capacity building. Several consultations have been organised in the year 2018-19 with officers of various Central Ministries/Departments and State Governments on strengthening the mechanisms and processes of budgeting for women. As a way forward, MWCD will have continued engagement with NITI Aayog, Ministry of Finance and other key Ministries as well as Government Level Institutions to strengthen the existing mechanisms and create additional mechanisms and tools of gender budgeting for advancing women’s rights and promoting gender equality.
4. Scheme for Adolescent Girls:
Government is implementing Scheme for Adolescent Girls to improve the nutritional and health status of out of school adolescent girls of age 11-14 years and to upgrade their skills. In addition to providing nutritional support to the adolescent girls, the scheme aims to motivate out of school girls to go back to formal schooling/ skill training. The Scheme has been extended to all the districts of the country with effect from 01.04.2018.
For the year 2018-19, budget allocation of Rs. 500 crore has been earmarked for the Scheme. As of now, Rs. 136.25 crore has been released under the scheme benefiting nearly 6.9 lakh beneficiaries as reported by the States/UTs.
- The Ministry has constructed a Home for Widows namely Krishna Kutir at Vrindavan, Distt. Mathura with a capacity of 1000 beds to provide safe and secure place of stay, health services, nutritious food, legal and counseling services to widows. Krishna Kutir was inaugurated on 31.08.2018 by Shri Adityanath Yogi, Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh in the presence of Smt Maneka Gandhi, Minister of Women and Child Development.
- Krishna Kutir, Home for Widows at Vrindavan has started benefiting the widows and an amount of Rs. 1.57 crores has been released to the State Government of Uttar Pradesh for running of Krishna Kutir for the period 01.09.2018 to 31.03.2019.
As on date the total number of projects under Ujjawala Scheme is 270 which include 141 Rehabilitation Homes. A total amount of Rs. 5.24 Crores is released to 9 states including Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland, Odisha, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Telangana as grant for 1st instl of year 2018-19 and pending grant of years 2016-17 and 2017-18 based on their Utilization certificate and other supporting documents.
7. POSHAN Abhiyaan
POSHAN Abhiyaan PM’s Overarching Scheme for Holistic Nourishment was formally launched by Hon’ble Prime Minister on 8th March, 2018 from Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan.
i. POSHAN Abhiyaan aims to reduce mal-nutrition from the Country in a phased manner, through the life cycle concept, by adopting a synergised and result oriented approach. The Abhiyaan ensure mechanisms for timely service delivery and a robust monitoring as well as intervention infrastructure. Target of Abhiyaan is to bring down stunting of the children in the age group of 0-6 years from 38.4% to 25% by the year 2022. More than 10 crore people will be benefitted by this programme.
ii. 315 districts were covered in Financial Year 2017-18, the remaining districts have been covered in 2018-19.
iii. Three meetings of the National Council under the chairmanship of Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog and four meetings of Executive Committee under the chairmanship of Secretary, MWCD already held during the year.
iv. Funds amounting to Rs. 2122.27 crore have been released to States/UTs in FY 2017-18 and 2018-19.
v. September 2018 has been celebrated as the Rashtriya Poshan Maah across the Country. The field level efforts were recognised through an Awards Ceremony on 10th October 2018.
vi. POSHAN Abhiyaan ensures convergence with various programmes i.e Anganwadi Services, Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana, Scheme for Adolescent Girls of WCD Ministry; Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY), National Health Mission (NHM) of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare; Swachh Bharat Mission of Ministry of Drinking Water & Sanitation (DW&S); Public Distribution System (PDS) of Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution (CAF&PD); Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) of Ministry of Rural Development (M/o RD); Drinking Water & Toilets with Ministry of Panchayati Raj and Urban Local Bodies through Ministry of Urban Development.
vii. One of the key activities of Abhiyaan is implementation of ICDS-Common Application Software. As on 30th November, 2018, ICDS-CAS has been rolled-out in 64 districts across 9 States/UTs. Anganwadi workers feed the information regarding the services delivered, through the mobile devices installed with ICDS-CAS application. Information entered by the AWWs is visible on the dashboard that can be accessed at Block, District, State and National Level at
8. Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana
The Hon’ble Prime Minister, on 31st December, 2016, had announced Pan-India implementation of Maternity Benefit Programme to eligible pregnant women and lactating mothers.
The programme was approved by the Cabinet on 17.05.2017 for pan-India implementation with effect from 01.01.2017. The administrative approval was conveyed to all States/UTs for implementation of the Scheme on 19.05.2017 i.e. immediately after approval of the Cabinet. The Programme has since been named as Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana (PMMVY).
PMMVY is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme under which the grant-in-aid is being released to States/UTs in cost sharing ratio between the Centre and the States & UTs with Legislature 60:40, for North-Eastern States & Himalayan States it will be 90:10 and 100% for Union Territories without Legislature.
The Scheme envisages providing cash incentive amounting to Rs.5,000/- directly to the Bank/Post Office Account of PW&LM in DBT Mode during pregnancy and lactation in response to individual fulfilling specific conditions as detailed below:
Cash Transfer | Conditions | Amount in
Rupees |
First Installment |
1,000/- |
Second Installment |
2,000/- |
Second Installment |
2,000/- |
The eligible beneficiaries would receive the remaining cash incentive as per approved norms towards Maternity Benefit under Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) after institutional delivery so that on an average, a women will getRs.6,000/-
The Scheme Implementation Guidelines, the software for roll out of the Scheme i.e. Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana – Common Application Software (PMMVY-CAS) and its User Manual have been launched on 01.09.2017 by the Hon’ble Minister (WCD). The further details are available on As on date, more than 65.20 Lakh beneficiaries have been enrolled under Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana out of which more than 55.69 Lakh beneficiaries have been paid. A total of Rs. 18,47,35,02,000 funds have been disbursed to the beneficiaries.
The Ministry celebrated the first anniversary of launch of Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana as “Matru Vanadana Saptah” during first week of September, 2018 (1st to 7th September, 2018) at each State/ District level. During the Matru Vandana Saptah, States/ UTs were requested to take up various activities emphasizing on scope of Information, Education and Communication (IEC) activities. The Saptah concluded with a National event which majorly concentrated on recognition of high performing states/ Uts and Districts of the country with respect to the achievements under PMMVY. Various Review meetings cum Workshops have been organised under PMMVY across all States/ UTs to review the progress of the scheme across the country.
So far, Rs. 2,04,859.25 Lakh in FY 2017-18 and Rs. 43,098.50 Lakh in FY 2018-19 (Up to 02.01.2019) to all 36 States/UTs have been sanctioned under PMMVY.
Print Media: As many as 14 advertisements on various schematic interventions and events of the Ministry were published in prominent newspapers in Hindi, English and regional languages (till 22nd December, 2018).
Video Spots: Nine video spots (45 seconds duration each) on social issues plaguing the society like domestic violence, sexual harassment, dowry prohibition, child marriage, and schemes undertaken by the Ministry like legal adoption, Rashtriya Mahila Kosh and online portal Mahila e-haat were telecast. The spots were viewed through digital cinema and telecast through private TV channels, Lok Sabha TV and Doordarshan.
Audio Spots: To reach a wider audience, seven audio spots of durations 35 seconds & 45 seconds were broadcast till November 2018, through BOC and Prasar Bharati over Pvt. FM channels and All India Radio. These spots would be telecast again over these channels. In a first, the Ministry has initiated Sponsored Radio Programme (SRP) to encourage people by narrating the lives and exemplary achievements of extraordinary women, who fought all odds to do the nation proud and serve society. This programme is disseminated through All India Radio. This programme was launched on 2nd November, 2018, and it is a series of 60 episodes.
Outdoor publicity: The Ministry has also embarked on social messaging through LPG bills, IRCTC/Indian Railway meal kits, Air India boarding passes, Electricity Bills, Digital Display Boards, announcement at inter-state Bus Stands and Delhi Metro.
SMS Campaign: For higher accessibility to the Ministry’s schemes, a month-long campaign was undertaken in June with direct links of the various schemes of the Ministry being sent through SMS.
Social Media: The Ministry effectively used its social media platforms Facebook, Twitter and YouTube with followers numbering in lakhs. This medium was leveraged to disseminate information on the various schemes and programmes of the Government so as to increase citizen engagement. To connect with netizens, numerous contests were hosted, wherein suggestions were sought and crowd sourcing was undertaken for various logos. This year, the Ministry initiated online campaigns like Back to School, Like You Do Maa, Yoga for 9 to 5, Childline 1098, Krishna Kutir, National Children Awards, Women Of India Organic Festival & Safe Neighbourhood. The Ministry’s social media platforms also served as the nodal point of contact of grievances received online & coordinated the redressal system with the Ministry’s Grievance Redressal Team, NCW & NCPCR through our #HelpMeWCD campaign. The Cell ensures that the Ministry is in line with the agenda and advocacy as undertaken by the Prime Minister’s office and the Government of India.
10. Women of India Festivals:
The ‘Women of India Festival’ is organised annually by the Ministry with the aim to encourage women entrepreneurs and farmers, and also actively promote organic products ranging from food and fabric to wellness and personal care. Women of India Organic Festival 2018 was held from 26th October to 4thNovember, 2018, at the Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, New Delhi. The festival provided a national platform to nearly 570 participants from the remotest corners of the country at 287 stalls. In a first, the Ministry introduced organic and vegan food stalls, which were well received by the visitors. The festival highlighted the health and environmental advantages of organic goods, provided a platform for women engaged in this sector and encouraged the development of sustainable and easily accessible sales outlets for organic producers from remote areas. Radio jingles (4 in number) and print advertisement were also published for wider promotion. The 5th edition of the 10-day festival culminated on 4th November, 2018 (Sunday) at IGNCA.
This year, the total sales by the women farmers and entrepreneurs who came from 26 States were a record of over Rs. 2.75 crore in comparison to that of Rs. 1.84 crore in last year’s edition that was organised at Dilli Haat, INA, New Delhi. The festival had a footfall of nearly 12 lakhs. The participants also had the opportunity to enroll themselves at Mahila e-Haat, which is an online marketing portal set-up by the Ministry to meet the aspirations and needs of women entrepreneurs.
Two more event of ‘Women of India Organic Festival’ are going to be organised by Ministry of Women and Child Development in Chandigarh from 12th to 14th January, 2019 and in Hyderabad in February, 2019.
SATTVIK: Like previous years, SATTVIK Food Festival has been organised by the Ministry of Women and Child Development in collaboration with SRISTI where Ministry has sponsored 50 stalls at Ahmedabad during 22nd to 25th December, 2018.
11. Information Technology:
The Ministry is using Information Technology extensively for implementation of e-Governance in several schemes and initiatives. A brief description of some of the key achievements of Ministry in respect of IT division during the year of 2018 are as follows :
i. eOffice :
The Ministry has fully implemented eOffice Premium products and successfully migrated to paperless office concept for which the Ministry has been graded as Platinum Ministry by Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances (DAR&PG). MWCD tops the list in terms of number of -e-files and percentage of e-files (100%) among all Ministries with zero physical file. More than 49000 no of e-files has been created in the Ministry
ii. Implementation of GIGW for Ministry’s official Website (
Ministry has completed GIGW compliance for Ministry’s Official Website ( and has obtained STQC certificate for GIGW compliance from STQC directorate, MeitY in respect of Ministry official Website (
iii. Formulation of Cyber Security Policy: Ministry is in the process of formulation of Cyber Security Policy keeping in view of the development of more and more IT application for providing service to the citizens through digital mode. Committee for the same has also been constituted in the Ministry.
iv. Mapping and Seeding of LGD Codes: Local Government Directory (LGD) is a standard location code directory which assigns unique code to each revenue/land region entity such as State, Districts, Sub district, Block and village and to local bodies such as village panchayat, municipality, and to Department/organization units. Ministry has integrated various schemes with LGD codes and is in the process of integrating more of its e-Governance applications with the LGD Codes of the location of administrative units.
v. Uploading Services on National Government Service Portal: Ministry’s IT services (under G2C, G2E and G2B) are being uploaded on “National Government Service Portal ( ) which is being designed to provide a single window portal for all Central and State/UT Government information and transaction services, under G2C, G2E and G2B.
12. Rashtriya Mahila Kosh
- Rashtriya Mahila Kosh (RMK) is a society, registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860 and an apex micro-finance organization established in 1993 under the aegis of Ministry of Women & Child Development (MWCD) to meet the credit needs of poor and asset less women in the informal sector for various livelihood support and income generating activities at concessional terms in a client-friendly procedure to bring about their socio-economic development.
- RMK’s Corpus is at Rs 284 crore as on 27th December, 2018 including reserves and surplus, utilized for extending micro credit at concessional rate of interest to women SHGs or individual women (the ultimate beneficiaries) through Intermediary Microfinancing Organizations (IMOs) /NGOs/ VOs.
- RMK is regulated by its Memorandum of Association and “Rules and Regulations”.
- RMK has made a cumulative sanction of more than Rs.371.52 Crore and disbursement of Rs.307.72 Crore to nearly 7.40 lacs poor women beneficiaries through a network of over 1524 NGOs/IMOs as at December, 2018.
- After the approval of Revised Loan Guidelines of RMK, processing of loan proposals was expedited to clear all the pending loan proposals received from Intermediary Micro-financing Organisations (IMOs).
- Totally three Small Loan Committee Meetings were held in 2018 and 29 number of proposals amounting to Rs. 23 Crores were considered for sanction of loan. The Committee sanctioned 18 numbers of proposals of IMOs to the tune of Rs. 7.20 Crores during 2018.
- The term of the Outreach Committee constituted as on 21st December, 2017 for expanding the network of RMK and Mahila E-haat along with their capacity building was extended in July 2018 for a period of one year till June, 2019.
- RMK website has been revamped and redeveloped to meet the present needs of complying with GIGW guidelines and also to have fresh appearance.
- RMK has been equipped with new networking equipment’s and further migrated from VPN connectivity to NICNET connectivity through Power Grid Corporation Ltd..
- E-loaning System of RMK, developed by NIC, is live now. Through the E-Loan System, IMOs/ NGOs could submit their proposals through online and know the status of their application through internet. This will bring transparency in the loan sanction procedure of RMK.
- Video Spots and Radio Jingles on RMK & Mahila E-haat have been produced through NFDC during the year 2018 and has been disseminated through AIR. Pvt TV Channels etc.
- Advertisement for inviting loan proposals preferably from Women Led Organisations by RMK for on-lending to poor women entrepreneurs was published through DAVP. Also advertisements were released in Hindi/ English/ Regional & National Newspapers circulated in the states of UP, MP, WB, Bihar, UK, and North Eastern states through DAVP several times.
- During the year 2018, a total amount of Rs.2.07 Crores was recovered towards principal and Interest from IMOs.
- Legal actions were initiated against the defaulting NGOs and during 2018, 20 cases were filled under Sec. 138 of NI Act,; 167 cases of Execution of Decreed & Award in various states; 10 fresh Arbitration cases; 4 Suit file cases, and filling of FIR in 51 cases. Further during 2018, the office bearers of NGOs were convicted and sentenced by the Hon’ble Court in two cases under Section 138 of NI Act.
- An Awareness Workshop on RMK Schemes was held on 27th September, 2018 in Shillong, Meghalaya State to create awareness about the revised guidelines among officials concerned and also IMOs in the North Eastern States along with Awareness cum Sensitization workshop on Mahila E-haat.
- Orientation Training and Awareness cum Capacity Building Workshops to the partner IMOs was held from 10-11th Dec, 2018, 12-13th Dec, 2018 & 14-15th Dec, 2018 at NIPCCD, New Delhi. Participants from more than 30 IMOs are participated in the training organised by RMK.
- RMK organized Swachata Abhiyan Pakhwada from 15th Sep. 2018 to 2nd Oct. 2018.
- Hindi Pakhwada was observed from 14th Sep. 2018 to 20th Sep. 2018 and various competitions were organised and prizes given to winners.
Mahila E-haat
- On 7th March, 2016, the Ministry of Women & Child Development launched “Mahila E-Haat”, a unique direct online e- marketing platform to support Women entrepreneurs/SHGs/ NGOs. This is first of its kind direct online marketing platform for women to strengthen the socio-economic empowerment of women by way of mobilizing and providing avenue for their products & services.
- This initiative of MWCD is aimed at meeting the aspirations and needs of women entrepreneurs for showcasing the products made/manufactured/sold by Women entrepreneurs/NGOs/SHGs. The URL is :
- This online marketing platform is facilitating direct contact between the vendors and buyers. The entire business of Mahila E-haat can be handled through a mobile, the buyers have the option of approaching the vendors physically, telephonically or through Email or any other means as convenient to him/her. Services Bulk repeat and customized orders can also be undertaken.
- There are 18 broad categories of products displayed on the portal, the Clothing, Fashion Accessories / Jewellery & Grocery & Staples / Organic.
- Women entrepreneurs/SHGs/NGOs from 31 States / UTs are showcasing over 7000 products and services and impacting over 32000 women entrepreneurs/SHGs/NGOs and over 7.34 lakh beneficiaries.
- Awareness & sensitization workshops are being organized with the vendors for skilling, capacity building, digital & financial literacy etc. at the grassroots levelare also being undertaken in different States. Workshops along with State Women Development Corporations have been held in New Delhi, Indore, Kochi, Chandigarh, Mumbai, Chhattisgarh, Hyderabad, Varanasi, Bhopal, Shillong till date and many more are proposed. An MoU has been signed with Mahila Arthik Vikas Mahamandal (MAVIM) for collaboration and getting the products and services of their Women entrepreneurs/SHGs/NGOs to showcase on Mahila E-haat.
13. Mahila Shakti Kendra (MSK) Scheme
- Mahila Shakti Kendra Scheme was approved as a centrally sponsored scheme for implementation from 2017-18 to 2019-20 to empower rural women through community participation and to create an environment in which they realize their full potential. It aims to provide an interface for rural women to approach the government for availing their entitlements and also empowering them through training and capacity building. The scheme has been approved for implementation in 23 States /UTs namely: Andaman & Nicobar, Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Chandigarh, Chhattisgarh, Daman & Diu, Dadra & NH, Gujarat, J&K, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Puducherry, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand.
- At the State/UT level, 26 State Resource Centres for Women (SRCWs) are functional in Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Chandigarh, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Goa, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, J&K, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Puducherry, Punjab, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and West Bengal to provide technical support to respective Departments of WCD/Social Welfare on issues related to women. At the district level, District Level Centre Women (DLCW) are being set up in 640 districts in a phased manner to collate information pertaining to government programmes, schemes and services meant for women including foothold to BBBP scheme. DLCWs are functional in 28 districts in 11 states/UTs.
- Community engagement through College Student Volunteers is envisioned in 115 most backward/aspirational districts as part of the Block Level initiatives. Student volunteers will cater to awareness about government schemes/programs, training and capacity building for empowerment of all rural women. Student volunteers have already been identified in 2 districts (Yadgir & Raichur) of Karnataka and 2 districts (Mahasamund & Rajnandgaon) of Chhattisgarh. In not more than 50 % of the MSKs to be set up in the district, the Block Level Committee will be assisted in the running of the MSK by an NGO for mobilizing women into collectives which will work towards greater self -employability through upping their skills.
14. Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS):
Construction of Anganwadi Centre (AWC) Buildings under Anganwadi Services (under Umbrella ICDS Scheme) in convergence with MGNREGS:
Joint guidelines for construction of 2 lakh Anganwadi Centre (AWC) buildings in most backward districts of 11 States (Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Rajasthan, Telangana and Uttar Pradesh) by 2019 under MGNREGS in convergence with ICDS Scheme have been jointly issued by Ministry of Rural Development and WCD on 13.08.2015.
Taking into consideration the acute shortage of AWC buildings (around 4.5 lakhs) in the country, the convergence scheme for construction of AWC buildings has been extended to all districts across the country and the target for construction of AWCs has been enhanced from 2 lakh to 4 lakh in the four years (by 2019). Revised Joint Guidelines have been signed between Ministry of Rural Development, Panchayati Raj and Women & Child Development on 17.02.2016 for construction of 4 lakh Anganwadi Buildings across the country in convergence with MGNREGS.
Under the revised Anganwadi Services, provision of Rs. 12,000/- per AWC for construction of toilets in 70,000 Government owned AWCs buildings and Rs. 10,000/-per AWC for 20,000 AWCs for providing drinking water facilities have been made.
Drinking water and sanitation facilities will be provided in these AWCs from the funds available with Panchayati Raj Institutions under 14thFinance Commission.
Construction of Anganwadi Centres (AWCs) in CSR by Vedanta Foundation:
In pursuance of the meeting held in the Prime Minister’s Office on 13.07.2015 on the proposal of Vedanta for construction of Anganwadi Centres through Corporate Social Responsibility, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed between MWCD and M/s Vedanta on 21st September, 2015 for construction of the 4000 Anganwadi Centre buildings through its own resources primarily in the States of Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Rajasthan, Telangana and Uttar Pradesh. Out of the proposed 4000 AWC buildings, 269 AWC buildings[225 AWC buildings in Rajasthan, 39 AWC buildings in Uttar Pradesh, 5 AWC buildings in Madhya Pradesh] have been completed as per progress report ( upto 30.11.2018) submitted by M/s Vedanta.
Convergence of Insurance Schemes:
Pursuant to the decision of the Government to migrate existing insurance schemes to Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY)/Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY), Anganwadi Workers (AWWs)/ Anganwadi Helpers (AWHs) in the age group of 18-50 years are covered under Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY) for life cover of Rs. 2.00 Lakh (covers life risk, death due to any reason), those in the age group of 18-59 years are covered under Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY) for accidental cover of Rs. 2.00 Lakh (for accidental death and permanent full disability) / Rs. 1.00 Lakh (for partial but permanent disability) and those in the age group of 51-59 years are covered with the modified Anganwadi Karyakarti Bima Yojana (AKBY) for life cover of Rs. 30,000/- (covers life risk, death due to any reason). The migration is effective from 01.06.2017.
The AWWs/AWHs are also provided Female Critical Illness benefits of Rs. 20,000/- on diagnosis of identified illness {invasive cancers (malignant tumour) manifest in the organs viz. Breast, Cervix Uteri, Corpus Uteri, Ovaries, Fallopian Tubes and Vaginal/vulva} (subject to proof of affliction satisfactory to LIC) and scholarships to their children studying in 9th to 12th Standard (including ITI courses). Scholarship of Rs. 300/- per quarter is available for two children per family. These social security benefits to AWWs/AWHs are being provided in association with the LIC. The cost of premium towards these social security benefits is borne by MoWCD and LIC. The State Governments/ UT Administrations or the AWWs/AWHs are not required to make any payment towards these social security benefits.
DBT onboarding of ICDS Scheme:
“With the aim of reforming Government delivery system by re-engineering the existing process in welfare schemes for simpler and faster flow of benefits and services and to ensure accurate targeting of the beneficiaries, de-duplication and reduction of fraud, Government of India has started Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) using Aadhaar as the primary identifier of beneficiaries in its schemes. Use of Aadhaar ensures that benefits go to individuals’ bank accounts electronically, minimizing tiers involved in fund flow and thereby reducing delay in payment, ensuring accurate targeting of the beneficiary and curbing pilferage and duplication.
In pursuance of directions of the Government for implementation of DBT in its schemes, the Ministry of Women & Child Development is implementing 17 Schemes / Scheme Components in DBT mode for transfer of benefits and services directly to the beneficiary using Aadhaar as the primary identifier. Scheme specific Web-based Common Application Softwares (CAS) / Management Information Systems (MIS) have been developed and rolled out pan-India for capturing beneficiary data, bank details, Aadhaar number, mobile number, Aadhaar validation and fund transfer by States/UTs/Implementing Agencies. The web-based CAS/MIS are also used for real time monitoring of number of beneficiaries getting the benefits and services, quantum of fund transferred, grievance redressal, etc., at Ministry level. The Web-based CAS/MIS in respect of these have been integrated with DBT Portal of DBT Mission, Cabinet Secretariat for automatic monthly reporting of progress of DBT schemes through web services except for one scheme (One Stop Centre) for which the development of MIS is under process. ”
Supplementary Nutrition (under the ICDS) Rules, 2017:
In pursuance of the provisions contained in the National Food Security Act (NFSA), 2013, this Ministry has notified the Supplementary Nutrition (under Integrated Child Development Services Scheme) Rules, 2017 on 20th February 2017 to regulate the entitlement specified under provisions of said Act for every pregnant women and lactating mother till 6 months after child birth, and every child in the age group of 6 months to 6 years (including those suffering from malnutrition) for 300 days in a year, as per the nutritional standards specified in Schedule II of the said Act. In case of non-supply of the entitled quantities of food grains or meals to entitled persons, such persons shall be entitled to receive such food security allowance from the concerned State Government to be paid to each person, within such time and manner as may be prescribed by the Central Government.
Revision of cost norms for Supplementary Nutrition:
The Government has approved the revision of the cost norms for supplementary nutrition in October, 2018 under the Anganwadi Services as per the details given below:
No. |
Categories | Existing rates
(in Rupees per day per beneficiary) |
Revised rates
(in Rupees per day per beneficiary) |
1 | Children (6-72 months) | 6.00 | 8.00 |
2 | Pregnant Women & Lactating Mothers | 7.00 | 9.50 |
3 | Severely Malnourished Children (6-72 months) | 9.00 | 12.00 |
Enhancement of honorarium of Anganwadi Workers (AWWs)/ Anganwadi Helpers (AWHs):
The AWWs and AWHs are paid fixed honorarium per month as decided by the Government from time to time. The Government has, recently, enhanced honorarium to AWWs from Rs. 3,000/- to Rs. 4,500/- per month; AWWs at mini-AWCs from Rs. 2,250/- to Rs. 3,500/- per month; AWHs from Rs. 1,500/- to Rs. 2,250/- per month; and introduced performance linked incentive of Rs. 250/- per month to AWHs effective from 1stOctober, 2018.
Further, the AWWs are allowed performance linked incentive of Rs. 500/- per month for using ICDS-CAS under POSHAN Abhiyaan.
In addition to the honorarium paid by the Government of India, the respective States/UTs are also giving monetary incentives to these workers out of their own resources for additional duties assigned to them under other Schemes.
15. Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT)
With the aim of reforming Government delivery system by re-engineering the existing process in welfare schemes for simpler and faster flow of benefits and services and to ensure accurate targeting of the beneficiaries, de-duplication and reduction of fraud, Government of India has started Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) using Aadhaar as the primary identifier of beneficiaries in its schemes. Use of Aadhaar ensures that benefits go to individuals’ bank accounts electronically, minimising tiers involved in fund flow and thereby reducing delay in payment, ensuring accurate targeting of the beneficiary and curbing pilferage and duplication.
In pursuance of directions of the Government for implementation of DBT in its schemes, the Ministry of Women & Child Development is implementing 17 Schemes / Scheme Components in DBT mode for transfer of benefits and services directly to the beneficiary using Aadhaar as the primary identifier. Scheme specific Web-based Common Application Softwares (CAS) / Management Information Systems (MIS) have been developed and rolled out pan-India for capturing beneficiary data, bank details, Aadhaar number, mobile number, Aadhaar validation and fund transfer by States/UTs/Implementing Agencies. The web-based CAS/MIS are also used for real time monitoring of number of beneficiaries getting the benefits and services, quantum of fund transferred, grievance redressal, etc., at Ministry level. The Web-based CAS/MIS in respect of these DBT Schemes have been integrated with DBT Bharat Portal of DBT Mission, Cabinet Secretariat for automatic monthly reporting of progress of DBT schemes through web services except for one scheme (One Stop Centre) for which the development of MIS is under process.
List of DBT Schemes of MWCD | |||
No. |
Scheme Name | Scheme type | Type of Benefit
Transfer |
1. | Anganwadi Services -Training
Program |
Centrally Sponsored | Cash and in Kind |
2. | Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana | Centrally Sponsored | In Cash |
3. | Protection And Empowerment Of Women- Comprehensive
Scheme For Combating Trafficking Of Women And Children- Ujjawla-Facilities To Beneficiaries |
Centrally Sponsored | Cash and in Kind |
4. | Protection And Empowerment Of Women- Comprehensive Scheme For Combating Trafficking of
Women And Children- Ujjawla – Salary |
Centrally Sponsored | In Cash |
5. | Protection And Empowerment Of Women- Swadhar Greh-facilities To Beneficiaries | Centrally Sponsored | Cash and in Kind |
6. | Protection And Empowerment Of Women- Swadhar Greh- Salary To Staff | Centrally Sponsored | In Cash |
7. | Mahila Shakti Kendra Scheme
(erstwhile NMEW) |
Centrally Sponsored | In Cash |
8. | Micro Finance For Women By
Rashtriya Mahila Kosh |
Central Sector | Cash and in Kind |
9. | Integrated Child Protection
Scheme – Salary Of Staff |
Centrally Sponsored | In Cash |
10. | National Creche Scheme –
Nutrition |
Centrally Sponsored | In Kind |
11. | National Creche Scheme –
Honorarium To Workers |
Centrally Sponsored | In Cash |
12. | Scheme For Adolescent Girls | Centrally Sponsored | In Kind |
13. | Anganwadi Services- Supplementary Nutrition | Centrally Sponsored | In Kind |
14. | Anganwadi Services-Honorarium To AWW And AWH | Centrally Sponsored | In Cash |
15. | Child Protection Services –
Facilities to beneficiaries |
Centrally Sponsored | In Kind |
16. | Child Protection Services –
Facilities to beneficiaries (Sponsorship) |
Centrally Sponsored | In Cash |
17. | One Stop Centre – Payment of
Salary of Staff |
Centrally Sponsored | In Cash |
16. Statistics Bureau
i. The report on Child Care Institutions and Other Homes
The Statistics Bureau has come out with the Report on Child Care Institution and Other Home in the month of September, 2018. The Ministry constituted a committee, chaired by the then Statistical Adviser, Smt. Ratna Anjan Jena, for analysing data of Mapping and Review Exercise of Child Care Institutions under Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015 and Other Homes, and report writing. The report is a step in the direction to create a National database on functioning of the CCIs in the country based upon their legal status, staffing, facilities, support systems, funding, management, adherence to norms and standards, etc. Utilisation of the finding and recommendations of the report by all stakeholders is important for ameliorating the conditions for the neediest and vulnerable children placed in the CCIs/Homes.
ii. Report on Performing and Non-performing NGOs
An important contribution made by the Statistics Bureau in June 2018 was the release of the ‘List of Performing and Non-Performing NGOs’. NGOs from all States and Union Territories were included in the list. The State/UT-wise list will be helpful in assisting Ministries to decide upon grants of funds or assignment of any task to the NGOs. It will also help general public to know about the performing and non-performing NGOs in their areas. The list is available on the official website of the Ministry.
iii. Internship Programme
The Statistics Bureau also conducts Internship program for young students under the Research Scheme of the Ministry, with an objective of involving young students / scholars in research and related activities for various schemes of the Ministry. Large number of interns has successfully completed the programme; a total of 96 interns have been trained and 12 are under-going the internship so far and 50 more interns are to be enrolled for this programme by the end of December 2018. The programme has been a great achievement of the Ministry in orienting young students of graduate and post graduate level coming from various Universities and Institutes across the country.
17. Child Welfare Bureau
- Child Protection Services Scheme (erstwhile ICPS):
The Child Protection Services scheme is being executed since 2009, for ensuring effective implementation of the JJ Act. The scheme aims to provide a security net through a well-defined service delivery structures and institutional care amongst other things. Further, the scheme has been brought under the Umbrella ICDS as its sub-scheme with the nomenclature as Child Protection Services. CPS provides preventive, statutory care and rehabilitation services to children who are in need of care and protection and those in conflict with law as defined under the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015 and any other vulnerable child. It is a centrally sponsored scheme providing financial support to State Governments/UT Administrations for delivering services (as mandated under the JJ Act, 2015 & JJ Rules thereunder) for children, either themselves or through suitable NGOs. This year emphasis has been given on rationalization of facilities and emphasizing upon monitoring and inspection of CCIs to ensure effective management of services in the best interest of the children living therein.
- Statutory Support Services under CPS
It has been reported by the State Governments/ UT Administrations that so far 723 Child Welfare Committees and 702 Juvenile Justice Boards have been set up across the country.
- Institutional Care Services under the CPS
During 2018-19, the Ministry has assisted 1511 Homes, 322 Specialized Adoption Agencies (SAAs) and 265 Open Shelters through State Governments/UT Administrations.
- Beneficiaries covered through institutional care
During 2018-19 more than 78000 children have been availing the institutional care facilities provided under the CPS scheme.
- Inspection and monitoring of CCIs:
In order to ensure protection of children living in CCIs, the Ministry has pursued with State/UTs Govts to conduct inspections and maintain the institutions in accordance with the vision of the JJ Model Rules, 2016. The Ministry has also advised the State Government to conduct background check of agencies managing CCIs and also ensure police verification of the staff. The Ministry has advised the States/UTs to take action for the welfare of children, in case of any eventuality while living in CCIs. The Ministry has consistently pursued with the States/UTs to ensure registration of all Child Care Institutions under the JJ act. So far more than 8200 CCIs across the country have been registered under the JJ Act. 539 CCIs have been closed by the States/UTs after inspections on various grounds.
- Non-Institutional Care Services
During 2018-19 emphasis has also been given to strengthen non-institutional support services including foster care, sponsorship and adoption. As on 30th November, 2018 more than 6000 children have benefitted through sponsorship component of the Scheme. Apart from this, around 1900 children have been placed for ‘In-country adoption’ and 365 children have been placed for ‘Inter Country Adoption’ during this year (as on 30th November, 2018).
- Child Helpline
Child helpline (1098) is a component of the scheme linking the Child to the child protection system directly and assisting thereafter in availing the services thereunder. Presently around 65% of the country covering 475 locations is being serviced by Child Line. The Ministry has been running the 24×7 child helpline in collaboration with Civil Society Organizations. The service is being provided by Childline India Foundation (CIF) -a Mother NGO, in partnership with other civil society organizations across the country. In order to ensure transparency and accountability in delivering the child protection services, the NGO partners are registered on NITI Ayog and have been boarded on PFMS portal.
- Child Help Desks at Railway Stations
The Ministry of WCD has framed Special Operating Procedures (SOPs) to be implemented with the help of Railways for rescue and rehabilitation of runaway, abandoned, kidnapped, trafficked children via railways. The CHILD Help Desk are set up at various railway stations for rescue and rehabilitation of runaway, abandoned, kidnapped, trafficked children via railways. So far, the Child Help Desks at railway stations have been increased from 62 railway stations during 2017-18 to 84 railway stations during 2018-19. Over 60000 children have been assisted by these facilities during current year.
- Celebration of Hausala 2018
The Ministry of Women and Child Development hosted the 2nd inter-Child Care Institution festival, “Hausla 2018” for the children residing in child care institutions between 26-29th November 2018. The event was organized around the theme of ‘child safety’ to inspire children of Child Care Institutions so that they can reach the National Stage for expressing their capabilities. Besides, the event also aimed to understand the views of children regarding their safety in various situations. During the festival, children participated in various activities like debate, painting, athletics meet, football and chess competition. A new competition called ‘Abhiviyakti’ to encourage free expression amongst children was introduced this year. More than 600 children from CCIs across 18 States/UTs participated in the programme.
- Khoya-Paya Portal
In order to bring citizen participation for protecting children, a citizen based portal Khoya Paya has been launched in June, 2015, which enables posting of information of missing or sighted children. So far more than 9962 users have been registered on the Portal during 2018-19. Besides, more than 110000 cases of missing- sighted children have been published on the portal.
- E-Box for Children who have suffered sexual abuse
Children are often unable to complain about sexual abuse. In order to provide them with a safe and anonymous mode of making a complaint, an internet based facility, POCSO e-Box, has been provided at NCPCR website where the child or anyone on his/her behalf can file a complaint with minimal details. POCSO e-Box receives complaints from other mediums such as e-mail, POCSO e-button etc. As soon as the complaint is filed, a trained counsellor immediately contacts the child and provides assistance to the child. The counsellor also registers a formal complaint on behalf of the child wherever warranted. A total number of 3213 hits have been received on helpline number since the launch of POCSO e-Box, i.e., from 26th August, 2016 till 20th December, 2018. Out of these hits, 135 cases were found to be covered under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012.
- Draft Child Protection Policy
The Ministry has framed draft Child Protection Policy 2018. The policy draws upon the safeguards provided under the Constitutions of India, various child-centric legislation, international treaties as well as other existing policies for the protection and wellbeing of children. It aims at providing a safe and conducive environment for all children through the prevention and response to child abuse, exploitation and neglect. It provides a framework for all institution, and organization (including corporate and media houses), government or private sector to understand their responsibilities in relation to safeguarding/ protecting children and promoting the welfare of children; individually and collectively.
- Conferment of Awards : Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Baal Puraskar
The Ministry of WCD has been giving awards to the meritorious children and Individuals /Institutions for several decades. The scheme has been revamped in 2018 to make it more broad based and inclusive. The National Child Award, now called the Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Baal Puraskar are to be given in two categories:
- Baal Shakti Puraskar: These awards are to be given as recognition to children residing in India above the age of (+5) years and not exceeding l8 years (as on 31st August of respective year)with exceptional abilities and outstanding achievement in fields of innovation, scholastic achievements, sports, arts & culture, social service and bravery which deserves recognition. Each awardee is given a medal, a cash prize of Rs. 1,00,000/-, book vouchers worth Rs. 10,000/-, a certificate and citation. The achievement should not be one-off, but carried out over a period of time. The achievements should be consistent and indicative of child’s passion in respective field.
- Baal Kalyan Puraskar
- Under ‘Individual’ category : These Awards are given as recognition to individuals who have made an outstanding contribution towards service for children in the field of Child Development, Child Protection and Child Welfare for not less than 7 years and have a positive impact on the lives of children. Three (3) Awards may be given in this category. The award consists of a cash prize of Rs. 1, 00,000/- (one lakh), a citation and a certificate to each awardee.
- Under ‘Institution’ catergory: These awards are proposed to be given to institutions who have done exceptional work for the cause of children in any field of child welfare for not less than 10 years. Three (3) Awards may be given in this category. The award for each institution consists of a prize of Rs. 5,00,000/- each and a citation and a certificate.
- Launch of National Children Award Portal
- The Ministry has launched an exclusive Portal/website i.e. for National Children Award for accepting online application forms on 1.8.2018. Open nominations from public are received through the online mode only. Applications received other than the online mode are not entertained. The web portal accepts nominations round the year, while limiting consideration up to 31th August of the respective year, for awards to be given in the month of January, next year. Applications received after due date will be considered for the awards in the next year. Any citizen can recommend a child having exceptional achievement through the online portal.
- Constitution of Mediation Cell in NCPCR
The Ministry has constituted a Mediation Cell in NCPCR to resolve the cases of children who were taken away by one of the spouses without permission of the other, due to marital discord or due to domestic violence, from other countries to India or vice versa. The initiative is for preparing a Parental Plan taking into account the best interest of the child.
- Child budgeting
Child budgeting is a policy initiative of the Ministry of Women and Child Development. As a result of detailed deliberations with Ministry of Women and Child Development and Ministry of Finance has issued an Office Memorandum asking all the Ministries to indicate the dimensions of child welfare while formulating any schemes/projects. This initiative will help the children to be at equal footing in so far as harnessing the benefits of government schemes. This initiative will focus the attention of policy makers on children as equal clients. Child budgeting has been stressed upon as an integral component of Budget document issued by Ministry of Finance during 2018-19. All the Ministries/Departments have been directed to appoint a nodal officer for Gender and Child budgeting.
- Safe Neighborhood Campaign
Apart from several legislative and programmatic measures for child protection, the Ministry has also initiated an advocacy programme for encouraging safe neighbourhood for children to prevent children from abuse and atrocities. The awareness will be generated through electronic and print media along with other activities.
18. Food and Nutrition Board
Food and Nutrition Board carried out various activities for different target groups for disseminating nutrition related information. FNB Headquarters, through its four Regional Offices, provides the technical as well as logistic support for the functioning of these units and conducts the following training programmes in the field units.
i. Training of Trainers (TOT) Programme in Nutrition:
Each CFNEU organizes five days “Training of Trainers” programme for Master Trainers comprising of Child Development Project Officers (CDPOs), Assistant Child Development Project Officers (ACDPOs), Medical Officers, Senior Supervisors of ICDS, Teachers, reputed NGOs, VDO, Gram Sevak etc. who, in turn, act as trainers for the grass-root level functionaries of ICDS, such as Anganwadi workers and the community at large. Total 23 TOT programmes have been organized, benefitting 460 participants.
ii. Orientation Training Courses (OTCs):
Each CFNEU organizes training for two days for 30 participants comprising of grass root level workers from ICDS and Health such as AWWs, Helpers, and ASHAs, adolescent girls, pregnant, newly married, communities and PRIs, etc. The themes for OTC are (i) Infant and Young Child Feeding (ii) Health and Nutrition and (iii) Management of Severe Malnutrition. Total 342 OTC programmes have been organized, benefitting 10,260 participants.
iii. Training in Home Scale Preservation of Fruits & Vegetables and Nutrition Education
Each CFNEU organizes 5 days training in Home Scale Preservation of Fruits & Vegetables and Nutrition education for 30 participants including housewives and adolescent girls and unemployed youths, to encourage them to preserve fruits and vegetables at the household level. To balance intake of vitamins and minerals for healthy and income generating activity too. A Ready Reckoner on fruits and vegetable preservation and nutrition is distributed to the trainees on completion of the training. Each CFNEU also organizes special training in Home Scale Preservation of Fruits & Vegetables and Nutrition education for SC/ST beneficiaries including adolescent girls and women. Total 181 training programmes have been organized, benefiting 5430 participants.
iv. Nutrition Education programmes (NEP)
The Nutritional status of the country has been recognized as an important indicator of national development. In other words, malnutrition is an impediment in national development and hence assumed the status of national problem and not merely sectoral problem. Massive Health and Nutrition Education are the most sustainable and cost effective programme to encourage appropriate dietary intake and healthy life styles among all segments of population. Hence, Nutrition Education Programmes are organized undertaken in rural and Tribal Areas and Urban slums. Total 2275 NEP have been organized, benefiting 80,719 participants.
v. Monitoring of the Anganwadi Centres (AWCs)
Anganwadis under different ICDS projects are being visited to monitor the supplementary nutrition and to facilitate the nutrition and health components of the ICDS. During the visit, the FNB staff provides technical support on nutrition and health education at the AWC by organizing various nutrition education activities. Total 2638 No. of inspections of ICDS AWCs has
Been conducted.
2. Food Analysis:
Food & Nutrition Board has four Regional Quality Control Laboratories at Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai, which analyse various supplementary foods items provided under the Anganwadi Services Scheme. The samples are received from the State Governments as well as drawn by field units of FNB during the visit to AWCs. A total of 1348 samples were analyzed by FNB’s Regional Quality Control Laboratories up to November, 2018 during the year 2018-19.
3. Setting up of four New Food Testing Laboratories (01 Central and 03 Regional Laboratories):
Presently, Food & Nutrition Board (FNB) is setting-up four state-of-the-art Food Testing Laboratories, 01 Central Food Testing Laboratory at Faridabad and 03 Regional Food Testing Laboratories at Kolkata, Chennai and Mumbai for quality analysis of food samples and other nutrition related convergent work.
- work of FTL, Faridabad and Kolkata has been completed. Brick work, Plastering & flooring work of FTL, Chennai has also been completed and construction work of FTL, Mumbai will be completed in the month of February, 2019. Further, procurement & installation of laboratory equipment and laboratory furniture etc. is under progress.
- . Restructuring of Food and Nutrition Board:
Food and Nutrition Board (FNB) was reorganized in terms of manpower & infrastructure in view of the setting-up of the four Food Testing Laboratories, 1 Central Laboratory at Faridabad and 3 Regional Laboratories at Kolkata, Chennai & Mumbai in place of existing four Quality Control Laboratories as these laboratories, established long time ago, are not only very old but also the facilities/equipment provided/installed therein are outdated and lacking in proper infrastructure to carry out food testing as per the latest food safety standards. Since the expansion of the existing facilities is not possible due to insufficient space and outdated equipment, the setting-up of four new laboratories (1 Central Laboratory and 3 Regional Laboratories) with the state-of-the-art technology is in progress. In view of this, total 110 new regular posts have been created and 23 posts have been revived in Food and Nutrition Board to meet the manpower requirement for running the four new state-of-the-art laboratories being set-up at Faridabad, Kolkata, Chennai and Mumbai.
Release of funds to States/UTs in 2017-18
Updated: 20.12.2017
(Amount in Rs. Lakhs)
# | State/UT | Funds Sanctioned | Funds Released |
Andhra Pradesh | 6920.38 | 6920.38 | |
Arunachal Pradesh | 912.83 | 649.18 | |
Assam | 10037.74 | 10037.74 | |
Bihar | 17034.15 | 17034.15 | |
Chhattisgarh | 4179.58 | 4179.58 | |
Goa | 162.92 | 162.92 | |
Gujarat | 9889.66 | 9889.66 | |
Haryana | 4324.3 | 4324.3 | |
Himachal Pradesh | 1651.6 | 1651.6 | |
Jammu & Kashmir | 3018.45 | 3018.45 | |
Jharkhand | 5622.7 | 5398.14 | |
Karnataka | 10248.81 | 9996.73 | |
Kerala | 5465.58 | 5465.58 | |
Madhya Pradesh | 12320.53 | 11883.67 | |
Maharashtra | 12612.66 | 12612.66 | |
Manipur | 1339.42 | 1339.42 | |
Meghalaya | 954.05 | 954.05 | |
Mizoram | 617.46 | 514.41 | |
Nagaland | 927.31 | 927.31 | |
Odisha | 6868.63 | 6868.63 | |
Punjab | 4539.49 | 4539.49 | |
Rajasthan | 11486.97 | 11216.86 | |
Sikkim | 354.33 | 286.12 | |
Tamil Nadu | 12087.85 | 11805.7 | |
Telangana | 6920.38 | 6920.38 | |
Tripura | 1845.48 | 1723.37 | |
Uttarakhand | 2610.99 | 2427.67 | |
Uttar Pradesh | 33616.64 | 33616.64 | |
West Bengal | 10245.03 | 10245.03 | |
Delhi | 1883.59 | 1725.59 | |
Andaman & Nicobar | 163.08 | 97.8 | |
Puducherry | 331.68 | 320.68 | |
Chandigarh | 290.41 | 271.22 | |
Daman & Diu | 43.67 | 41.67 | |
Dadra & Nagar Haveli | 91.32 | 88.32 | |
Lakshadweep | 17.57 | 16.57 | |
Total | 201637.24 | 199171.67 |
19. National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child Development
Major Programmatic Achievements of NIPCCD
National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child Development, popularly known as NIPCCD, an autonomous organisation under the aegis of the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India is a premier organisation devoted to promotion of voluntary action and research, training and documentation in the overall domain of women and child development. The objectives of the Institute are to: develop and promote voluntary action in social development; take a comprehensive view of child development and to promote and develop relevant need-based programmes in pursuance of the National Policy for Children; National Policy for Empowerment of Women and other related policies affecting women & children; develop measures for coordination between governmental and voluntary action in social development; evolve framework and perspective for organising programmes related to women & children through governmental and voluntary efforts; and establish liaison with international and regional agencies, research institutions, universities and technical bodies engaged in activities similar to those of the Institute. The Training in the areas related to Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS), Women & Child Development and Child Rights & Child Protection including Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS) and POCSO Act, 2012 constitute the major activities of the Institute. The achievements of the Institute from April, 2018 to December, 2018 are as under:
During the year 2018-19, the Institute organised a total of 293 (upto December, 2018) training programmes which were attended by 10,598 participants. Out of these, 208 programmes were organised on issues relating to Women and Child Development, including Child Protection, Juvenile Justice Act and POCSO Act, 2012 and 85 training programmes for the functionaries of ICDS which were attended by 7,754 and 2844 participants, respectively.
Programmes organised from April to December, 2018
S.No. | Programmes | No. |
1 | Regular | 107 |
2 | ICPS | 101 |
3 | ICDS | 85 |
Grand Total | 293 |
Highlights of the Activities
- Important Activities
- The Ministry of Women and Child Development organized “Women of India Organic Festival 2018” from 26 October, 2018 to 4 November, 2018 at Indira Gandhi National Centre (IGNCA) to support and encourage women and women-led groups that promote organic farming, thus supporting their local community’s economy, creating jobs and keeping farmers thriving, in addition to spreading proper awareness about the benefits of organic products from all over India. Women entrepreneurs from 25 States came together with their organic products like rice, dal, spices, vegetables and fruits including tribal and ethnic products. The exhibition also involved display and sale of organic products such as cereals, pulses, lentils, millets, spices, beauty care, aroma therapy and bio-products etc. Women entrepreneurs of Women of India Organic Festival 2018 also enrolled themselves in Mahila E-Haat, another initiative of the Ministry of Women & Child Development. NIPCCD provided logistic support during the event.
- The Institute organized 4th International Yoga Day on 21st June, 2018 at the behest of Ministry of Women and Child Development. Nearly 300 (regular, contractual temporary staff in the Hqrs, and Regional Centres) participated in the yoga held in the lawn of the Institute. The Institute procured the yoga kit and reading material from Ministry Ayush etc. and distributed the same to all participating employees.
- The National Nutrition Week was observed by the Institute at its Headquarters and Regional Centres from 1 to 7 September, 2018. During this week, various activities were undertaken, which included: visit to AWC; activities at Child Care Centre i.e. fancy dress competition on smart eating food; healthy recipe competition by mothers at CCC; community counselling session on Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) Practices in Aanganwadi Centre; talk on health issues etc.
- The Institute celebrated Hindi Pakhwada from 1 to 14 September, 2018 which included activities such as: dictation competition, translation and Hindi knowledge competitions etc.
- The Institute also observed Swachhata hi Sewa from 15 September, 2018 to 2 October, 2018. Various activities were undertaken during the swachhta pakhwada which included: cleanliness drive within the Institute; activities for children in CCC on theme swachhta; shram Dan in Institute’s campus; swachhta quiz; slogan and poster competition; rally in Shahpur Jat; forming swachta human chain; and ‘Swachh Evam Swacth Bachpan’ programme in Solan, Himachal Pradesh.
- The MWCD celebrated”Hausla 2018″ between 26th to 29th November, 2018 by hosting an inter CCI festival for the children who reside in Child Care Institutions (CCIs) with the aim that it would provide an occasion to showcase the talents and provide them with a space to express their dreams and aspirations. Children participated in various events like Painting Competition, Debate Competition, Safe Neighborhood Project, Athletics Meet, Football and Chess Competition. About than 600 children from 18 States/UTs participated in the programme who had come from various child care institutions across the country. NIPCCD assisted MWCD in organising the events.
- Training Programmes
Advanced Diploma in Child Guidance and Counselling
- One-year Advanced Diploma in Child Guidance and Counselling commenced from 1 August, 2018 with the main objectives to: explore and evolve attitudes, values and beliefs that facilitates work with children as mental health professionals; acquire knowledge and understanding of theoretical constructs and socio-cultural perspectives in the context of counselling; develop skills to plan, provide and monitor counselling interventions for children and child-related systems; and develop skills of mobilizing resources and networking and collaborating with stakeholders. A total number of 29 students were enrolled for the current year.
- In addition to this, a Certificate Course on Child and Adolescent Counselling was organized by Headquarters with the main objectives to: sensitize the practitioners and counsellors with the strategies that enhance parental resources to support their children with developmental disorders; enable the teachers to understand the challenges of children in contemporary society and the role of schools in supporting their development, critically apprise them with the strategies to promote emotional well-being and achievement in children so that the children are able to meet developmental goals; orient them to the various learning and behavior difficulties in children and the special needs of children in difficult situations; enhance the ability of teachers to identify early symptoms of learning and behavior problems in children and carry out informal assessments; and provide comprehensive skills in counselling children and families for promoting emotional wellbeing of children and provide skills in carrying out awareness and sensitization workshops for teachers and parents on significant mental health concerns relating to children and growing up.
Women and Child Development
- A number of Parental Workshops on creating a Conducive Environment for Enhancing Learning and Behavioural Conduct during Adolescent/ various Academic and Psychosocial Issues of Children were organized by the Institute with the main objectives to: develop an understanding about the needs of adolescence and holistic development of the adolescent children; and help parents and teachers to help their children to cope up with the physical, emotional and mental changes during this period for optimum development.
- Besides, various training programmes/meets/workshops on issues related to women and children were organized during the year under report. These included: BBBP; Care of New born and Infant and Young Child Feeding; Ensuring Food Safety and Maintaining Food Safety Standards in Supplementary Nutrition in Anganwadi Services under Umbrella ICDS; Japanese Encephalitis/Acute Encephalitis Syndrome for ICDS Functionaries; and Mother and Child Protection Card and Growth Monitoring.
- Two Consultative Meets on Support Mechanism available for the Cause of Domestic Workers were also organized by Headquarters with the main objectives to: orient the participants about the needs of adolescents through their developmental cycle; develop an understanding about gender discrimination and its implications on overall development and rights of adolescent girls; apprise the participants about various Government policies, programme, legislations and initiatives for holistic development of adolescent girls; and evolve strategies of intervention for empowerment of adolescent girls.
One Stop Centre Scheme
- In order to build-up the capacity of functionaries associated with the implementation of One Stop Centre Scheme, the Institute organized a number of Orientation Training Programmes for the Functionaries of One Stop Centre and Women Helpline as well as Counselors and Case Workers of One Stop Centrewith the main objectives to: sensitize the participants to magnitude, causes, nature and manifestation of violence against women in India with special reference to eastern region; orient the participants on One Stop Centre Scheme and Women Helpline and other existing support services for women in distress; orient the participants on psycho-social support for violence affected women and ethical guidelines for counseling; and appraise the participants about the role and responsibilities of different stakeholders.
Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013
- In order to build the capacities of functionaries of civil societies, Institute organised two Sensitization Programmes on Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace for Civil Society with the main objectives to: sensitize the participants on locus and manifestation of gender violence; discuss policies and legislative measures to curb atrocities against women specially at work place; analyze the problem and work out strategies for addressing the problem of sexual harassment of women at work place; and discuss existing mechanisms/ support services and provide suggestions for strengthening them.
- In addition to this, ten Sensitization Programmes on Sexual Harassment at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 were organized by Headquarters (forenoon & Afternoon) with the main objectives to: sensitize the participants to aspects related to addressing complaints regarding sexual harassment and spreading awareness about gender-related issues and functioning of the internal Complaints Committee.
- Apart from this, another Orientation Training on the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 for the officials of Social Welfare Department/ WCD Departments was organized by Regional Centre Guwahati with the main objectives to: sensitize the members of ICC and other officials to the nature and trends of sexual harassment in work places; orient the participants to the salient features and provisions of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 and the relevant rules; make them aware about the modalities, mechanisms and procedure of redressal under the Act; and apprise the participating members of the Committees and other officials about their roles and responsibilities.
Training of Trainers of Elected Women Representatives of Panchayati Raj (EWR)
- The Institute organized a series of Capacity Building Programmes for Elected Women Representatives of Panchayati Raj Institutions -Phase-II with the main objectives to: deliberate upon issues related to empowerment of women and children and functioning of PRIs; discuss flagship programme of Central and State Government for women, children and marginalized groups; impart knowledge on legislations for the protection of the vulnerable; provide practical know-how to monitor asset creation and public works in the villages and process of participatory planning in local governance; discuss recent developments related to dry dairy farming and e-banking, cashless transaction etc; and enable women to identify their leadership potential to contribute effectively as change agents.
Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection) Act, 2015
- Eighteen Orientation Training on Juvenile Justice Act 2015 and its Rules 2016 and Integrated Child Protection Scheme for the District Level Officials of Uttar Pradesh were organized by the Institute with the main objectives to: enable the participants to develop understanding on present scenario of children in the country in the context of child rights and child protection; orient the participants on salient features of Juvenile Justice Act 2015 & its Rules 2016; and orient the participants on the provisions under Integrated Child Protection Scheme and discuss the role of various stakeholders in effective implementation of JJ Act & ICPS.
- Two Orientation Training Programmes on Adoption Regulations, 2016 for Protection Officers (Non- Institutional Care) under ICPS were organized by Regional Centre Lucknow with the main objectives to: orient the participants regarding different provisions related to children in need of care and protection under Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015; familiarize the participants regarding Adoption Regulations, 2016; and discuss the role of protection officers (non- institutional care) under ICPS in implementation of Adoption Regulation, 2017.
- A number of Orientation Training Programmes on Child Rights & Protection for the Functionaries of CCIs (Superintendent, Case Worker, Probation Officer, Welfare Officer, Coordinator, etc.) were organized by Headquarters and Regional Centres with the main objectives to: orient the participants about the conceptual framework of Child Rights and Protection and ground realities; enable them to understand salient features of Juvenile Justice Act 2015 and Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, 2012; discuss their role and responsibilities under ICPS and challenges faced by them in providing quality services to children, and, evolve strategies for networking, convergence and coordination mechanisms under ICPS.
- In addition to this, a series of Master Trainers Programme on Child Protection were organized by Headquarters and Regional Centres with the main objectives to: orient the participants about various provisions under JJ System & ICPS; discuss the policies, schemes and legislations concerning children; enable them their roles and responsibilities under the Schemes, legislations & guidelines; appraise significance of convergence and linkages to obtain better outcomes for child protection; describe implementing strategies under ICPS and, sensitize them on research & documentation, financial rules, audit & office procedures; and discuss innovative & good practices adopted by States on Child Protection.
The Protection of Children against Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, 2012
- The Protection of Children against Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act was passed on 19 June, 2012. Subsequently, after wide-ranging consultations among various stakeholders, the POCSO Rules were notified on 14 November, 2012 by the Ministry of Women and Child Development. Major stakeholders for implementing the Act are the Police/Special Juvenile Police Unit (SJPU), Judiciary, District Child Protection Unit (DCPU), Probation Officers, Counsellors, Child Care Institutions (CCIs) personnel, interpreters/translators, the medical fraternity, the community, family and relatives of the victim child and the child himself. The Central and State Governments are charged with the responsibility to create awareness about POCSO Act 2012. The Institute organized a series of Sensitization Programmes/Orientation Workshops on POCSO Act, 2012 and its Rules for stakeholders.
- In addition to these, a Sensitization Programme on POCSO Act, 2012 for Elected Representatives of Panchayati Raj Institutions was organized by the Institute with the main objectives to: apprise the members of Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) about sexual offences against children and salient features of the ‘Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act; develop an understanding of their role in protecting children against child sexual abuse and supporting child victims and their families; and evolve strategies for elimination of sexual offences at the community level with support of PRIs.
Anganwadi Services under Umbrella ICDS
- Apart from this, several Refresher Courses for CDPOs/ACDPOs were organized by Headquarters and its Regional Centres with the main objectives to: review the implementation of restructured and strengthened programme under umbrella ICDS in the States with regard to various aspects; provide a forum for sharing of experiences in implementing the programme; apprise CDPOs/ACDPOs about the recent developments and trends in programme under umbrella ICDS; update their knowledge in the areas of early childhood care and development including nutrition and health care; and sharpen their communication, counselling and managerial skills.
- A number of Job Training Courses for CDPOs/ACDPOs were also organized by Institute’s Headquarters and its Regional Centres with the main objectives to: orient the trainee CDPOs/ ACDPOs about ICDS programme—its philosophy, objectives, package of services and beneficiaries with respect to restructured and strengthened programme under umbrella ICDS and New WHO Child Growth Standards, MCP Card, schemes of SABLA and IGMSY; familiarize them with their role and responsibilities vis-a-vis job responsibilities of other block functionaries in coordination, supervision, and management of ICDS project; discuss with them the recent developments and thrusts in ICDS programme; share with them the need, importance and strategies for convergence of services at various levels of implementation; develop their requisite skills required for guiding grass roots level functionaries in preschool education, health & nutrition and community participation; and equip them with knowledge for effective leadership, supportive supervision and management of ICDS Projects under umbrella ICDS.
- Besides, various Vertical Training Programmes of Block Level ICDS Functionaries for Quality Improvement in ICDS Programme were organised by Headquarters and its Regional Centres with the main objectives to: enhance the skills of CDPOs and Supervisors to act as a Master Trainer for providing continuing education to AWWs at project level; provide inputs to improve knowledge and skills of all ICDS functionaries at project level for quality improvement in ICDS Services; and work jointly and formulate joint action plan at project level for quality improvement of delivery of services under umbrella ICDS.
- In addition to this, a Sensitization Programme on Nutritional Assessment of Children in Anganwadi Services Scheme was organized by Regional Centre, Bengaluru with the main objectives to: apprise the participants on Importance of Nutritional Status of Children; and update their knowledge on importance of methods of nutritional assessment such as stunting, wasting in children, enhancing their skills by providing classroom practice exercises on various nutritional assessment tools.
- An Orientation Programme for newly recruited Supervisors of Delhi for e-Learning Job Training Course was also organized by Headquarters with the main objectives to: orient participants about the use of e-learning programme for ICDS functionaries; provide hands on experience on e-learning programme to the supervisors and bridge the learning gap and build their confidence.
- Besides, a Review cum Contact Training Programme on e – Learning for CDPOs of Tamil Nadu was organized by the Institute with the main objectives to: orient participants about the use of e-learning programme for ICDS functionaries; provide hands on experience on e-learning programme to the CDPOs; bridge the learning gap and build their confidence, to use e-learning mode of training; and identify Master Trainers in e-learning programme for future.
- An Orientation Meeting for Nodal Officers Dealing with Training of Anganwadi Services Functionaries was also organized by Headquarters with the main objectives to: familiarize the Nodal Officers about recent developments in Anganwadi Services under Umbrella ICDS; analyze the problems hindering success in Anganwadi Services implementation; discuss about the strategies for making effective training plan for Anganwadi Services functionaries; and document best practices of States/UTs with regard to implementation of Anganwadi Services/ECCE for achieving nutrition and child development related outcomes.
- A series of Skill Training Programmes for CDPOs on Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana (PMMVY) PMMVY-CAS Portal, Revised MIS, Rapid Reporting System and Data Management in Anganwadi Services under Umbrella ICDS for various stakeholderswere organized by the Institute with the main objectives to: familiarize the participants on the importance and use of PMMVY-CAS Portal; appraise them with the importance of ICDS-CAS; update trainees on the New Management Information System; and orient trainees on use and importance of effective data management.
- In addition to this, a Review Meet on Implementation of Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana – Common Application Software (PMMVY-CAS) was organized by Headquarters with the main objectives to: deliberate upon scheme implementation modalities ,fund flow and disbursal mechanism; list down problems experienced and other related issues in implementation of PMMVY along with the current status; discuss the roles and responsibilities of different stakeholders for better implementation of the scheme effectively; and promote IEC activities for awareness generation and document and share best practices of States for improving health status of women and children.
- The Headquarters and its Regional Centres undertake research in areas falling within its mandate. Evaluation studies are conducted to assess the impact of ongoing schemes or projects on Women and Child Development, as an independent initiative, or at the request of sponsoring Department/agency. Documentation of the research work in the form of reports, compilations and manuals is done for wider dissemination. A total of 20 such projects and research studies are nearing completion during the current year.
Strengthening of Monitoring and Supervision System in ICDS Scheme—Through Central Monitoring Unit of NIPCCD
The Ministry of Women and Child Development has set up a monitoring and supervision mechanism of the Anganwadi Services Scheme through NIPCCD in addition to the existing Monitoring and Evaluation Unit in the Ministry of Women and Child Development. At the National level, a Central Monitoring Unit (CMU) has been set up at NIPCCD, New Delhi, with the objective to undertake regular monitoring of functioning and implementation of Anganwadi Services Scheme in the country.
During 2017-18, Central Monitoring Unit (CMU) had been revamped and the involvement of external institutions namely Medical Colleges, Home Science Colleges and School of Social Work have been delinked. The existing consultants and project staff have been trained in Monitoring and Supervision of Anganwadi Services Scheme under Umbrella ICDS. These Officials have been assigned above work.
The project staff of CMU and Faculty/staff members of NIPCCD visited 3065 Anaganwadi Centres, 151 ICDS Projects and 17 AWTCs/MLTCs in 72 districts covering 21 States in the country. The year wise no. of AWTCs and ICDS projects visited are as under:
Total Number visited | 2018-19
(upto December, 2018) |
2017-18 | 2016-17 | 2015-16 |
AWCs | 1621 | 3065 | 1689 | 791 |
ICDS projects | 88 | 151 | 323 | 139 |
MWCD has reviewed the functioning of CMU, NIPCCD and has intimated that CMU may be limited to non-ICDS-CAS districts etc.
20. International Women’s Day Celebration – 2018
- Nari Shakti Puraskar: The Ministry celebrated International Women’s Day 2018 on 8th March 2018 to acknowledge women’s contribution and her achievements. On this occasion Hon’ble President of India conferred Nari Shakti Puraskars (2017) to 38 eminent women and institutions in recognition of their service towards the cause of women empowerment.
(b) Hon’ble Prime Minister / Hon’ble Minister, WCD interaction with Awardees: On this happy occasion Hon’ble Prime Minister of India invited the Nari Shakti Puraskar Awardees to his residence and spent the evening interacting with them on 09.3.2018.
Hon’ble Minister, WCD hosted a fine dinner in honour of the distinguished Awardees at Hotel Ashok, Delhi
21. National Conference of State/UT Ministries in-charge of Women and Child Development:
The Ministry of Women and Child Development organized the National Conference of State / UT Ministers in-charge of Women and Child Development on 17.07.2018 at Le Meridien under the Chairpersonship of Smt. Menaka Sanjay Gandhi, Hon’ble Minister for Women and Child Development. Dr. Virendra Kumar, Hon’ble Minister of State and thirteen other State / UT Ministers, and Secretaries participated in the National Conference.
During the Conference various challenges being faced by the States/UTs in implementation of the Ministry’s Schemes, Policies, & cross-cutting programmes were discussed. The best practices, schemes and programmes implemented by States/UTs were shared amongst other States/UTs for replication in their States/UTs. The highlight of the Conference deliberations touched upon sensitive issues like atrocities perpetuated on women and children with effective ways and means to curb the evil.
22. Celebration of International Yoga Day on 21st June, 2018 in all Anganwadi Centres:
The International Day of Yoga (IDY) was celebrated on 21st June, 2018 by Ministry of Women and Child Development officials in the premises of National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child Development (NIPPCD) 5, Siri Institutional Area, Hauz Khas, New Delhi. All the officials were given yoga banians, mats, guidelines and yoga teacher was also arranged for flawless practice & celebration of yoga. All the States/\UTs were also advised to celebrate International Day of Yoga in a befitting manner with special emphasis for SAFE Yoga practice by pregnant mothers.
23. Swachh Bharat Mission:
i. Swachhta Hi Sewa:
The drive of “Swachh Bharat Mission” has been one of the main priority of this Ministry.
The Ministry has participated in the Swachhta hi Sewa campaign from 15th September, 2018 to 2nd October, 2018. During the campaign, all AWWs and ICDS workers were involved in Shramdaan at Village levels. Rallies were carried out with placards by children, white washing of AWC and cleaning of surrounding areas was done. All the Officers/Officials of the Ministry contributed in the Swachhata activities by doing Shramdaan.
During Swachhta Hi Sewa (Cleanliness is Service) campaign, Food and Nutrition Board (FNB) has undertaken series of activities like cleanliness drive, cleaning of toilets, vigorous cleaning in and around the office, pledge on cleanliness in our daily life, prohibit use of plastic bags, various awareness activities like IEC campaign on Swachhta Hi Seva comprising personal hygiene and sanitation, environmental sanitation, tree plantation, cleaning of office premises, Film /Slide shows on personal hygiene and sanitation, demonstrations on hand washing, motivating common public towards cleanliness along with other Swachhta- related activities.
- Swachhta Pakhwada:
The Ministry observed Swachhta Pakhwada from 1st to 15th March, 2018 commemorating with International Women’s Day celebration. The focus was on lead role for women and children community-led sanitation initiatives which will have a far-reaching and wide impact on women and children’s health, safety, dignity, education and livelihood. During the Pakhwada, senior officials from Ministry visited different States of the country where special programmes were organized in partnership with local administration. Al the autonomous bodies under the administrative control of the Ministry such as CARA, NIPCCD, NCPCR, NCW and RMK etc. and its field formation spread all over the country organized various activities in Swachhta Pakhwada extensively.
Out of the total 13,63,300 operational Anganwadi Centres across the country, 9,29,339 AWCs have toilet facilities and 11,72,896 AWCs have drinking water facilities.
Apart from above, this Ministry has also released funds for construction of toilets in 69,974 AWC buildings and for providing drinking water facilities in 19,993 AWCs as on 30.11.2018.
From time to time, this Ministry has issued directions to all the States for conducting Swachhta Pakhwada in their State/UT and conduct Swachhta related activities in AWCs such as:
- White-washing the AWCs involving local communities;
- Cleanliness in and around the AWCs;
- Weeding out of obsolete records, documents, etc;
- Review of toilets constructed;
- Involving private sector under CSR for Swachhta;
- Construction of toilets in rented AWCs or shifting of such AWCs to the building having toilet facilities; etc.
MWCD, vide DO letter, dated 13.09.2018 has requested the officers concerned dealing with Anganwadi Services in all States/UTs to conduct Swachhta Pakhwada during 15th September, 2018 to 2nd October, 2018 and conduct the aforementioned activities using the platform of AWCs.
Food and Nutrition Board observed Swachhta Pakhwada with its Regional Offices and 42 Community Food and Nutrition Extension Units (CFNEUs) throughout the country. During the Swachhta Pakhwada, the Regional Offices and CFNEUs organized special activities to emphasize on the importance of Hygiene and Sanitation and its impact on the nutritional and health status. The following activities have been undertaken during the fortnight with the involvement of ICDS, Health, Mid-Day-Meal and Panchayati Raj functionaries:
- Meeting with State Government authorities to orient and design plan of action
- One-day Workshop on Personal Hygiene and environmental sanitation and nutrition
- Cleanliness drive – weeding out old records, cleaning of office toilets, painting and white wash, office premises and store room.
- IEC campaign on Swachh Bharat
- Tree plantation
- Swachh Bharat Oath
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